Chapter 2. Let the game begin

- Miss Shaf, answer the question please?, My teacher yelled at me.
- Two, I said loudly, looking stubbornly at him while he nodded.
- Just make sure not to sleep in class again, it is enough that Cari was banned but you are one of the top students.
I nodded silently and walked out of the classroom. Liam was waiting for me, he was simply leaning against the wall and smiled wider when I went to honom. a twitching caused me to turn around and the guy with the blonde hair looked at me with his blue eyes.
- Louis would like to say that he's sorry, he said, smiling slightly a little crooked. His Irish accent made me smile for no reason.
- Niall nice to see you again. it was not exactly yesterday, if we say so, I smiled and hugged him.
Niall muttered something before he shot a nasty glance at Liam and then disappeared.
- Zayn wants to talk to you, Liam said just like yesterday.
Liam walked over and grabbed my wrist before he leaned down and whispered, "Go to Zayn and talk to him" a warm feeling swept through me and I nodded. Liam smiled before disappearing as I practically ran to Zayn now.

Zayn laughed a little when I stumbled through the door. I looked confusedly around me, we stood in the same old classroom that was pretty worn. we usually had a few magic lessons here but it was mostly if we wanted to try blowing up something or if one of them who had special powers needed extra help. several of us students on the school were having these powers. Wizards with an extra gift. Liam was able to control your thoughts so that was why they where so many that obeyed him, Zayn was a charmer, which made everyone like him or hate him. Louis had the strange gift to give joy and Cari could read minds, and it was one of the reasons that she knew exactly when I needed her. Harry had a similar gift that Liam just that Harry couldn't control his power and then little me .... I was just ordinary.
Zayn and Liam stood with Andy, Sean and a guy that was new, his name was Ben. on the other side of the room stood Niall, Harry, Louis and Cari. I knew she had a thing for Louis but I thought she was a little enchanted by Zayn now though it was only because he used his power on her.
- What is happening here?, I asked, feeling a little away.
- We need a judge, laughed Louis.
- For what?, I smiled big all of the sudden.
- You know, tough guys against the . Though little Cari wanted to change teams, Zayn said teasingly and winked at Cari who began to blush.
- What are the competitions then?
- You decide, smiled Niall now if he had been little more than before it was blown away.
the old Niall was back. I could not understand these guys. in my first year they had been the best friends. Niall and Zayn was like ying and yang there was nothing they didn't talk about it was probably because of that Zayn took it so hard when Niall turned his back on him. Apparently Harry had used his power on Zayn and then Liam had given back on Harry and used his power to make Harry hurt himself. after that Louis gave back on Liam and towards the end it was two different teams that gathered other poor souls to fight with them. and now they are two gangs who are fighting against each other. magic against magic, word against word, and fights against fights. They had been my firends but I couldn't pick a side so I didn't talk to them in the same way anymore. I haven't done that on eighteen monts.
- Okay, get a girl back here and if you use your magic one her, you are out of the game, the first group that comes back wins and Cari you stay here because you know if they would use their powers.
all nodded and disappeared except Cari who sat on one of the benches. She smiled a little.
- Yes Zayn enchanted me stop judging me, okay?, She laughed.
- He liked you before, you know?, I said, looking down at the floor.
- I know he thought about it when we talked before. he's a bit like a open book he thinks too much. He's not like you, you focus on one thing and let the other be that's why I know that you are currently agonizing over how to get them to agree again, and that you really like Harry.
- I do not even know him that well not since they split up!, I said with a blush that shouldn't be there.


Last one in was Louis. He had a long brunette behind.
- Okay, "tough guys" you win, but only because Harry used his power, I mumbled and looked into Harry's eyes.
his eyes reflected shame and it was mostly because everyone in the room knew he couldn't control it. it was not his fault.
- The next have Cari planned. so we follow her, I smiled.
we all went out with Louis and Cari in front they said goodbye to the other girls and Zayn gave smoothly away his number his girl. I went last while the thoughts went around over the Cari said.
- Shaf?
- mm what is it?, I asked, looking up into his green eyes.

he smiled wide and took my hand in his. His hand was warm and I leaned against him. there was a tingling in the body and a smile came out.
- I was just wondering if you still liked me, the same old feeling of warmth washed over me. it was the power, His power that gently touched every part of me.  it was so different from Liam. with Liam it all was over in a moment and with Harry.. it was like he was holding on to it and wouldn't let go.
- I like you very much Harry, I have always done but I don't know... since you have chosen sides, I've been a little off, focused on me and not thought that much about anyone else but I miss you Harry.
- And our late nights when we sat there and counted the stars?
- Just because I could convince you to do so.
- You could always convince me, he smiled and stood up.

Cari had led us to the kitchen. Niall laughed and went on about how he would win this race I think that's why Cari chosen this. she wanted to give the others a chance cause even if  we liked Zayn and his gang, We both hoped that Harry, Louis and Niall would win. Cari explained the rules, only one were allowed to participate and of course it ended up between Niall and Andy. if you ate everything you won, one problem was that it was a long table with several plates on. the most part looked disgusting and I wouldn't even try to taste it.
- Begin! yelled Cari.


- Woho Feel owned bitches!, Niall screamed happily when he was finished.
- Looser you cheated! shouted Andy.
-wish all you want but you were too slow this time, 'Niall said and patted Andy on the shoulder.
Niall hugged Harry and Louis and then check with me if he actually won and of course he had done so. Andy had about three plates left and looked absolutely sick. Niall, however, was happy and alert, he would have won just like I thought all along. So now it was one to one.
- Basketball as the last race, I said low.
Zayn was the best at basketball so we already knew who would win. Harry stared at me like I was crazy. Louis sighed Supplied and Niall had suddenly become upset while the other team was happy as a bunch of three year olds.
Sure all struggled but eventually had Zayn made five goals and then the others had given up. this was how the fight ended. all were still angry at each other.
- Who do you want?, Louis asked angrily.
- Harry, Zayn smiled as if he had a plan.
- What's going on here?
- The price was that someone would change the group we won so Harry is our right, smiled Liam.
Harry nodded and I knew that Liam used his power. I just wanted to beat them up but I couldn't so I ran away, I couldn't look at them right now they have crossed the line. 

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