Chapter 3. Death

How could they do this? It was okay for them to stand and fight each other. I had nothing against it. Hard words were one thing but to get involved in the other gangs were not okay. it was terrible enough that Zayn went around and beat up people who behaved badly, but he can't drag in Harry in this. It was inexcusable how he could only think that I thought it was okay with this?

I kicked at a pebble on the road and pulled into the courtyard. everyone looked so happy unaware of how gangs have changed. a group of girls sitting on the table on the lawn, laughing, a couple of guys played soccer. I felt lonely over that Cari knew about their plans. Who would I talk to?
- Shaf?
Fem was standing behind me with a smile, what happened to him not to bother me for a while I thought a little annoyed but I didn't care that much. Fem were actually really nice when he could make an effort to do be it.

- Fem what do you want?
He combed his blond hair with his fingers and gave me a shy smile.
- Well I want to say sorry for that .. you know. But I just wonder what is wrong with Liam I think Zayn control him a bit much, he said and began to go so I followed.
- Of course Zayn control him, I sighed.

- a bit rude don't you think? Liam is a nice guy.
- Just as you are when you try to be, I said and saw the blush rising on him.
He smiled wide before he began to slow down the pace.

- You know that they are getting into war at any time, right? He asked anxiously.
- Yes, unfortunately so.
He nodded and walked away.


I sat in the library and read the homework that would be in tomorrow. I wrote quickly and too often I was about to fall asleep. I drummed with one hand on the book and thinking about things so I wouldn't fall asleep. Harry and Liam walked in the door and looked at me before they disappeared. they knew I did not want to talk to them, Fem sat down opposite me.
- I have a feeling that you don't like them right now, he smiled.
- Seriously Fem leave me alone right now I need to be done with this I have about five pages left.
- Here give me, he said, and looked through my papers and then some in the book.
He ran his hand over those empty pages and gave it back.
- Of course talk to me now, he said, leaning across the table.
- Don't use your gift on this kind of things.

- Fem get out of here, Liam said who came and stood behind him.
Fem shook his head and turned to Liam.
- Nightmares can become real, you know, 'Liam said and winked.
Fems face was cleared, his eyes went up in fear and a scream, looked out from his throat. He stood up and looked at Liam as if Liam would kill him. The scratches were on Fems cheek and blood poured down his throat. there were three long streaks of blood on his shirt right at the belly and Fem shook violently now. He fell to the floor and then heard a loud crack and his back stretched before he relaxed. He didn't move. I ran over to him and turned him. the blood was gone, but the scratches were left although they looked pale as if this had happened years ago. his skin was cold and gray. I felt for something was broken but no ... no pulse and his eyes were quite white.
- Liam what have you done.
- Taught him the fear itself, he grinned.
- But what's wrong with you?!, I yelled out. A year ago you could not even harm a bird, and now you kill people just because they say to you? What a fucking monster you've become!

- I did that Zayn asked for ...
- Zayn asked you to kill Fem?
- No, he said that Fem wouldn't talk to you again, he smiled.
- You were a good person Liam. Everyone liked you and now you kill people because of what Zayn said? he is not good for you and now you want to drag Harry into this? drag the whole school down to destruction just because Zayn asked you for a favor. You are a monster, I said shaking.
He stepped closer to me.
- You're lying! I'm not a monster. you are a monster, you can not decide over me and Harry said before he wanted to switch sides to be closer to you. Did you know that if you two are together, he will eventually drive you mad. it will not be you or your words. you will feel trapped. Say it! Say you do not love him! SAY IT! shouted Liam.
- I do not love him, I muttered back and felt my body became numb.

Postat av: Sara

omg :D bäst

Date:2012-07-30 / Time:22:20:36
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