The Scientist - Niall

Listen to this song and read this:

Sadly, my husband Niall Horan passed away just a month ago and I’m barely coping. I’m 86 and re-living the life without him here. I grew up with him, he was always my best friend and we become a couple at the age of 16, we both ran off to London together where Niall became a famous singer in a band called One Direction. They became so famous and successful. I’m so proud of my loved man. Last night I went through his things, I found his suit that he wore that night his band won a Brit, I’m so proud. I lay it on the bed and smelled it. It was like he was there, watching me cry my heart out. I didn’t cry loud because our grown up children are here for Christmas, the first Christmas without him. We haven’t even told our Grandchildren what happened, I don’t know how to tell them. Niall passed away with one of his friends called Harry from a terrible car crash caused by some lunatic teenagers thinking they can do what they want. Drink driving is no laughing matter. I found a book in the box under our bed. It was a scrapbook. On the front page there was a picture of the first day I met him. We were just children. I opened the book to find many, many pictures of us together. He talked about everything, even his virginity, made me smile. There’s pictures of our first house together, our children and generally everything he did. It was the scrapbook of his life. Everytime I turned a page, a tear fell onto each one. When it came to the last page, there was a letter. 

To my dearest love,

If you find this then that means I didn’t make it. I know I might leave you in a terrible way but I just want you to know that I will always love you and whatever we have and did together. Our arguments, we were stupid and young. I wasn’t stupid enough to let you go. We got through it together. Our parents didn’t approve of each other but look what we achieved. When I leave, I’ll watch you. I’ll be the angel at your footsteps. Please do not cry, you know I never like seeing you cry. When you cry, I cry. Look after everyone for me. Don’t do anything silly just because I’m physically not there with you but I am in your heart. I love you so much.

Love from Niall.

Aged 16”

Postat av: Sara

omg :D as bra

Date:2012-06-21 / Time:23:39:52
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