All I know is that you’re so nice
You’re the nicest thing I’ve seen
I wish that we could give it a go
See if we could be something
Bringing the mug to my lips, I let my gaze wander around the pub; only to settle on himas he walked through the door. Ruffling his fingers through his hair to get rid of the snowflakes that had landed there, he started un-twirling his scarf from around his neck. That’s when he spotted me… I mean us. I could feel the burning of his deep blue eyes from across the room, the way his pink lips curved up into one of his gorgeous smiles.
His feet started moving, quickly walking in our direction; but to me, it felt like slow-motion. His undeniable beauty got me everytime; he was possibly the nicest thing I had ever seen in my entire life.
”Hey guys!” His voice was as chirpy as always, unzipping his coat, he hung it over the back of his chair before flinging himself onto it. The group of us chimed a “Hey Lou.” in response. His cheeks and nose were rosy from the cold temperatures outside, his hair messier than usual. “God, it’s freezing outside.”, Louis said as he gave the bartender a signal; his beer arriving in less than a minute.
Whatever I did, I couldn’t take my eyes off him; my cheeks flushing and eyes twitching in nervousness as we made the first eyecontact of the evening. His left eye dropped to a subtle wink, his left mouthend curling up to another one of his breathtaking smiles. Returning the smile, I quickly dropped my gaze from him to the glass that was now so tightly squeezed in between my hands.
Conversation started to flow, as did the drinks. One beer after the other, shot after shot; and soon, the words started to become slurrs.
”Oi, check that girl out.”, I heard James whisper to Louis; my entire body tensing up as they tilted their heads to the left. A tall blonde was stood at the bar; huge tits, round ass and a short skirt. Seriously?
I wish I was your favourite girl
I wish you thought I was the reason you were in the world
I wish my smile was your favourite kind of smile
I wish the way that I dressed was your favourite kind of style
”Not bad, bro.”, Louis retiliated, before reaching his hand up for a high-five. “Nice skirt she’s wearing, eh?”, James chuckled, his face screwed up in a disgusting and almost perverted way. “It’s a bit short..”, I murmured.
”Your point, Carla?” I rolled my eyes as they both sniggered, feeling somewhat disappointed by their totally typical manliness. If it really were girls like those he fancied, all my hopes and dreams of maybe, one day, becoming his girl, would be shattered. Me, with my brown hair and brown eyes; nothing special, nothing remarkable. Just your normal, ordinary girl.
Feeling a slight nudge on my shin, I jumped; looking up, I saw Louis mouthing a “Just kidding.” from across the table. The heat returned in my cheeks in an instant, a grin, I couldn’t hold back even if I wanted to, arising on my face. Nodding, I bit my bottom lip; his sight mesmerizing me even after all this time.
It was in the middle of the night, almost morning when we got kicked out of the pub; the reason why being they were closing. Giggling and chuckling we stumbled outside; the freezing air hitting us like a brick wall. “Fuck!”, Louis shouted as the door closed behind us, “Why the fuck is it this cold!?” I couldn’t help but let out a huge laugh, “It’s the middle of January, Louis!”
My cackling continued as I slipped my gloves on, tightening the wrap of my scarf. Even though I was probably the only one of us that could genuinely say they weren’t completely hammered, walking in a straight line still was a challenge; the continuous spinning of the world around me slightly irritating. The sudden grip of an arm round my waist, along with the sudden push, sent me flying onto the floor; the layers of snow softening my fall.
”What the f-”, I started shouting, but as I opened my eyes, I was shut up by Louis’ face so scaringly close to mine; his hot, alcohol tainted breath showing in the cold air as it hit my face. “Were you laughing at me?”, he asked, arching an eyebrow. “Yes..yes I was.” Pouting my lips, I gave him a challenging smile. It was then I realized this was only the second time we’d ever been this close, even after those two years of knowing each other and being friends; and after two years of being in love with him.
He reciprocated my smile, keeping his eyes locked on mine.
We’d met at Uni through some friends, his beautiful being fascinating me from the very second I’d saw him. And as we got to know one another better, the fascination increased; his personality just as beautiful as his looks. There really was not a single person in this world that could’ve blamed me for falling for him.
The buzzing sound of my phone was what woke me up the following morning; even just this silent tone making my head pound. Murmuring a few cursewords under my breath, I propped myself up on my elbows. Fluttering my eyes a few times, I just couldn’t manage to open them; reaching my arm out to my bedside table. But what I felt under my palms wasn’t wood; it was skin.
My eyes shot open at the feeling, pure shock written across my face; the horror increasing as I noticed it was Louis. Shirtless. In his boxers. In my bed.
Even though this was what I’d dreamt of a few thousand times, I felt scared that something might’ve happened last night; something that I just couldn’t remember.
I wish you had a favourite beauty spot
That you loved secretly
‘Cause it was on a hidden bit
That nobody else could see
Even though I was surprised, schocked and all kinds of emotions at once, I couldn’t help but notice a little dark spot just below his chest. Squinting my eyes, I tried to get a closer look; noticing it was almost shaped like a heart.
Louis stirred, before his eyes opened slowly; blinking a few times, it took him a few moments before he fully glanced at me. His deeply aquatic eyes widened, a frown on his sleepy, yet gorgeous face. Looking from my face to my hand on his chest, an amused, lopsided smile arose on his face. Arching an eyebrow his eyes locked back with mine; snitching my hand away from him, I got up from the bed.
”Nothing happened last night, right?”, I asked with my back to him. I glanced down at my body, which was only covered with what looked like Louis’ shirt from last night. Squinting my eyes shut, I brought my index fingers to my temples, rubbing circles.
”I don’t think so..”, Louis started, his voice deeper than usual, thick with sleep. “But to be honest, I can’t really remember.”
Hearing him get up from the bed, I pulled the hem of my shirt further down. I felt his hand on my shoulder; twitching at first, I tilted my head round to him. “I’m sure nothing did.”
Gulping, I breathed in deeply; nodding as I watched his gaze flicker all over my face. “Coffee?”, he asked with a slight smile.
I wish that you needed me
I wish that you knew when I said two sugars
Actually I meant three
Following him into my kitchen, which he knew his way round like it was his own, he started making us some coffee. I just sat there; legs crossed, hair messy, head pounding, mind confused.
Placing the mug in front of me, he asked me how many sugars I’d like; telling him I wanted two to not to sound like a complete fatty, he tossed them into the glass. And one second later, a third one followed. Glancing up at him, he only winked; my cheeks flushing as he seemed to have read my mind.
I wish that without me your heart would break
Yeah, I wish that without me you’d be spending the rest of your nights awake
I wish that without me you couldn’t eat
Yeah. I wish I was the last thing on your mind before you went to sleep
”Alright, I’m off.”, Louis said as he slipped into his coat, twirling his scarf round his neck. Even though we’d talked about last night, he still seemed to have sensed my uneasiness.
”Look, Carl’.” I glanced at him. “I’m sure nothing happened last night. We were both pretty drunk and I guess you just let me sleep over.” Sighing, I nodded. “It’s all good.”
Faking a smile, I opened the door for him; he waved slightly before stepping out into the cold.
Basically, I wish that you loved me
Shutting the door behind me, I rested my forehead onto it; letting out a frustrated grunt as I cursed myself for drinking too much. For being in love with Louis even though it probably would never lead anywhere. For constantly wishing and dreaming for things to happen, when clearly, they never would. And even if it had happened last night, I wouldn’t even know it; I wouldn’t remember it.
The sudden sound of the doorbell shook me from my trip into my own mind. Confused and unknowingly, I opened the door; frowning as to who was stood before me. “Did you forget someth-”, I started, but was cut off. And even though it threw me off at that moment, I’d be lying if I didn’t say it was the best thing that had ever happened to me.
Louis’ lips came crushing down on mine all of a sudden, his strong arms wrapping around me. The cold from outside and his face made the goosebumps arise on my body as it felt like my knees would be giving away any second. I wanted to move, to do something, anything, but I couldn’t. I just let him kiss me, try to savour this moment as best as I could.
I rung for air as our mouths parted, my eyes clenched shut as my head spun. “I lied.”, he said; his burning stare forcing me to look at him. “Nothing’s good. Do you have any idea how much I wish something happened between us last night?”
I froze. What?
”All I do is think about you. I can’t eat, I can’t sleep, I can’t do anything without you in the back of my mind; you’re fucking everywhere.” He sounded almost angry as the words spilled from his mouth like a waterfall. I tried to listen as carefully as I could, to catch every word.
”I’m in love with you, Carla.”
All I know is that
You’re the nicest thing I’ve ever seen
And I wish we could see if we could be something
Yeah, I wish we could see if we could be something
Writen by this awesome girl!
Falling For Your Eyes - ZAYN
The new job I’d started at this week was taking all my enegry and the somtimes 12-hour days were destroying the entire concept of any kind of social life; let alone a romance. I was just going to have to deal with it. It wasn’t like I had much prospects of love before I started this job.
The slight vibrations that went through my head as it rested on the window to my left strangely soothed me. I felt the bus come to a stand at the next stop, feeling myself slowly dozing off.
As the bus’s wheels suddenly started moving again, the side of my head jolted against the window.
“Fuck.”, I cursed, shooting my eyes open, and rubbing my head. Frowning in anger and frustration at everything, I groaned as I sat up straight. Pulling my hair up into a bun, I rubbed my face, careful not to wipe the remainders of my make-up away.
Sighing again, I blinked a few times as I faced my front again. Only to be met by the face of an angel as it stared at me in pure amusement.
His eyes were a warm hazel, framed by endless lashes. His skin was a soft brown, his sleek, black hair sitting perfectly atop his head in a quiff. One of his mouthends was curled up as he glanced at me, one of his chino clad legs resting atop the other in a typically boy-ish manner, arms crossed in front of his chest as he leant back.
My cheeks flushed a deep shade of magenta as my eyes caught his, instinctively brushing a stray of hair in my face to hide myself; metaphorically.
No matter how nervous I felt right now, or how increasingly fast my heart thudded beneath my chest; I just couldn’t tear my eyes away from him.
The light golden twinkle in them had me captivated, unable to do anything else but stare at him. My shyness won over again, however, causing me to blink a few times, before glancing away.
I saw his pink lips curving into a grin out of the corner of my eyes, palms starting to sweat. Overcoming myself and daring to look back at him; his eyes finding mine instantly.
The next few minutes felt like a complete staring contest, smiles and sparks flying between us. I didn’t know what this was, but it felt amazing; as if there was nothing bad in the world, and most of all, no more tiredness or exhaustion seemed to remain in my body. Everything felt good, just as long I had him looking back at me.
Disappointment seeped through my expression as I looked out the window and saw we were nearing the stop I had to get off at. Stuffing my iPod into my bag, I slung it over my shoulder as I got up from my seat.
I felt his eyes boring into me as he watched me, my feet tapping on the floor as I stood by the door.
“I’m Zayn.”, I suddenly heard a smooth, deep voice say from behind me; my insides knotting up. Tilting my head over my shoulder, it was no one else but the beautiful boy that had lit up my day looking at me, smile still permanent on his face. “I’m Lily.”, I replied, the giddiness of my emotional state obvious in my voice. “Bye, Lily.” Giving him a little wave as he batted an eyelid, I left the bus; eager for tomorrow to pass and see him again.
But I never did.
Denna underbara novell har skrivits av denna tjej
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