Chapter 8. explanation part 2.
Louis froze and stared angrily at Fem who sneered back.
- But it's true I always wanted to have you Shaf. Cari is not so "loving" as some here believe, he said arogant and looked down at Louis.
- Please Fem what do you want me, I have not done anything all bullies, I did nothing okay nothing, I cried out.
- You stopped them, Zayn mumbled.
Fem nodded and pulled a knife from the jeans pocket and played with it before he carefully sliced open the palm and stretched out on for Fizzy who greedily licked up the blood.
- I thought you said he was a bird, said Niall.
- Technically, he is one he has wings that you see ... he is a dragon, however.
Fizzy licked around his mouth and wagged his tail like a happy dog before he crouched at the Fems feet and fell asleep. I did not know what I would think of Fem anymore. he had even been so kind and thoughtful certain he had his bad moments but it was for all the bullies. he was a good student, or at least I thought so. His special gift was to make the world different, he uses magic completely wrong but he must be good deep down, the only question is why Cari there were about five other mind readers and if he was looking for her for getting to me then what was so special about me ? was it only because I had a saying in the two largest gangs in schools. that was just ridiculous.
I looked around me to try to figure out a plan to get out of here. night was soon over and Cari began to wake up to. shackles around the guys writs were gone and now they sat in judgment at the big stone like a few question marks. Zayn looked up all the time in the trees and you could hear the birds singing far away. I thought this year would be a good year at school, but I had lost the desire to learn all about magic for the first time in a long time, I just wanted to be normal. normal family, normal girl, normal life, normal everything. it was not really that much to ask, so why could not I have been the neighboring girl who had been born to the average person, or at least the boy across the street who was born into a werewolf. elevation point every full moon. He had told me that it was not so horrible and he had a normal life except every night when it was full moon. He had a job, a family and he was much happier than I am. what did I do? a mother who works to cook on a wonderful magical restaurant, dad is a lawyer and my little sister sits and studying just because she is able to achieve this school. I got tired of the life I'd like to be an ordinary girl. all of a sudden I started to cry without warning. Zayn pulled me into a warm hug and I was really glad that he was my cousin.
- Want to know my secret, Zayn mumbled so no one else heard. I nodded.
- I asked Andy to follow you everywhere and I think Niall sat Sean to do the same. doesn't matter how this ends cause you will have those two, and they promised their lives to get you out of here alive Shaf and I love you, I would not have had a better cousin and you were right about everything. I use my power too much but you know how it is when you are the leader, he laughed and kissed me on the forehead.
- Want to know my secret, I asked and felt he nodded.
- My secret power is light, I have the sense that all the time I just have not wanted to admit it because it's not such a big effort, but when I say duck promise you duck okay Zayn I love you and you are like my brother, I do not want you to get in trouble, I said and hugged him tightly.
Fem tore myself away Zayns grip and I felt the nausea that rose in my throat as he pulled me down on the stone table and kissed me. I heard Harry yell something and then how Cari whimpered beside me. Tehn everything went black.
When I awoke, I was alone. Maybe not completely, but I was not in the glade anymore and there was someone next to me. I looked up and saw Fizzy leaning over me with his tongue out of the mouth and the smile that looked pretty vicious. I sat up with an my whole body ached. I looked around me and besides Fizzy it was just me and a trail of blood. I did not know if it was mine or someone else's. I sat up and was pushing away from Fizzy my lap.
- Fizzy, you take me back?, I asked, rubbing my right temple
He nodded his head and raised a little off the ground with its large wings. I followed as he flew away. it was still safe in any way how Fizzy flew over me, how Andy and Sean was somewhere next to me in the treetops. Fizzy flew quite slowly and roared on and off and did something which I believe was to laugh.
- You Fizzy you are pretty good right?, I asked when he landed with a thud on the ground beside me.
He shook his head and barked.
I was back in the glade where Fem sat on the stone and laughed. Louis sat by Cari and hugged her. She was shaking and I was so happy that she was sitting up and had opened her eyes. Zayn sat with Harry and Liam and it looked like they eased each other's injuries. Niall sat alone on the edge on the other side, and none of them had seen me yet. I saw a movement in the tree crown and Andy looked up with a smile. I pointed at Fem and he nodded silently. I did not even know what I meant by that, but Andy had something planned.
- Fem! this is between you and me, let the others go!, I said loudly and walked straight towards him.
- As you wish, he waved off the other with his hand and I saw Sean jump down and take them away.
- Fem did you have to see a thing, I said and waved him closer to me.
I tied the hand and held it against him. He looked at me like I was an idiot before he gently opened my hand. the light that came was dazzling and a smile came to my lips. The more he opened his hand, the stronger was the light.
a scream echoed through the glade and Fizzys scream tuned into. it hurt that Fizzy died but I could not take my eyes away from its master. Andy had jumped down from the tree with a knife in his hand. the knife had gone through his back and through so you could see the tip just where the heart babies sit. Fem coughed up blood for real this time and looked down at the knife. Andy pulled it out and Fem fell down to the ground so that the leaves flew up. I felt the tears while I turned to Fizzy as lifeless lay a few feet away. His large head glistened when the sun's first rays came through the trees.
Five years later
- You know, Harry, I've always loved to watch the sunrise, I mumbled.
Fizzy lay at our feet. Niall had resuscitated him. I spun on the engagement ring and smiled at Harry.
- You know that Zayn and the others will come up here anytime?
- I know it and then we will tell them, I smiled.
we had just got engaged us. I loved Harry a lot, and his power did not work even look at me anymore. several said it because it was because we loved each other, but I say it's because he can control it. which he can, he has been much better than Liam. That was when we saw them. Niall and Liam came up first. Andy followed, talked about the different magic tricks. I had stopped doing magic just as I had imagined five years ago. I owned a café and Harry was working with young children. Harry, however, had not stopped doing magic but it did not do anything as long as he is not forcing me to use it. Louis and Cari came after hand in hand. her stomach had grown larger and it was so great that the two would start a family.
- So tell me the great news!, Cari shouted happily.
- Harry and I got engaged, I said and smiled.
- You know that if you break her heart, I can cast a spell and I am not afraid to use it, Zayn joked.
Fizzy beat happily tail in the ground and I scratched him behind the ear. Andy sat down and pulled Niall in his lap. Liam sat down next to them and smiled at me. We were all a family after Fem died. somehow, we all agreed again and gangs were closed down. School closed again after they found Fem. But we were all a little happier, had a little happier success and a much happier realtion to each other. All in all, we loved each other. It did not matter what we had gone through what mattered was that we were not afraid anymore and we could finally be ourselves. no rules, no gangs, just us.
Chapter 7. explanation part 1.
I opened my eyes and blinked, my head hurt. I felt a sharp pain in my leg and I turned me double and groaned. leaves around my feet were bloody and the trail was blown away. I stood in a clearing ... it seemed deserted except for the guys who sat chained to a large stone in front of me, Cari lying on a stone table. it looked like she was asleep, but I knew better from all the blood I saw. I shivered and tried to go up to Cari but the chain wrapped around my wrist tightened and the pain went up through the arm.
- You can always ask if you want to get away, 'said Fem
His hair was shaved and he looked like the guy in Beastly and not the fancy verisionen. He moved elegant like he never had been dead. He gave me a grin and started to grow hair all over his body. long claws shot out from his nails and he grew out of the clothes. he was several feet tall and strongly built. His hair was blonde and it looked like the leaves sat glued but Fem stroked himself with his claws so they elegantly fell down to the ground again. He laughed as it echoed through the glade, and then a shudder came up in my body. I blinked and he was back to the Fem as I remembered him. He approached me and for every step he became grayer and grayer, blood marks were formed on the shirt and he coughed up blood. when he stood in front of me, I felt the smell of his blood, felt the warmth of his breath and the cold from his skin. He stroked my cheek.
- I've looked at you Shaf. Have barely slept, he said with a laugh.
He leaned forward and the blood disappeared while he massaged my lips. the kiss lasted so long that I wanted to push him away from me and when he pulled away so he forced me down to the ground. I was shaking and looked towards the boys. they blinked awake.
- Do not worry about them my little pet injured they do not. I think, he said, and laughed again.
Niall screamed when a little hairy lizard crawled over him. I saw the marks of the feet and the blood that mark the footprints. lizard grew larger and larger until it was as big as a Rottweiler then shook it off his coat and looked like a Harl loose dog until it began to cough. for every cough came a tag up. Once it looked like a small dragon with tags from the ears down to the tail. scales were red and looked slimy out. the claws were white and the tail was long. the big eyes looking at me, they were hazel and spherical, it gave me a broad grin as it showed two double rows of teeth. the tongue licked his teeth before it roared at me and stamped his feet on the ground.
- Fizzy calm down dude! you should have lunch soon Shaf'll just choose who, he said, scratching the dragon behind the ear.
- I will not sacrifice my friends for a stupid game!, I said shakily, and got to his feet.
- Unless it's a game then? what if i really gone mad? it might be my power don't you think Fizzy? it would be nice huh.
- Let her be! Shouted Harry.
Fizzy or the dragon stormed toward him and pressed his foot or paw on Harrys chest, I did not know how I would react. Fem snapped his fingers and chain around my wrist disappeared. I ran forward and pushed away Fizzy was incredibly lightweight. I stroked Harry's cheek and pulled his hand through his sweaty hair. I looked into his green eyes and with my eyes I asked how he was and he nodded as to say that he felt fine.
Fem tore me up from the ground and forced me to the table where Cari low. she breathed calmly, and somehow I knew that she was doing fine.
- Shaf choose now who will die first, asked Fem and I saw how Fizzy impatiently walked up to us and lay at Fems feet.
- No one should die but I would like to know how you live, I said and looked at Zayn who tangled out of their shackles.
- Let's start from the beginning or the middle ... I know we start with the end and ends in the middle it would be interesting. but first.
He put his hand on my shoulder. He grabbed my skin so it hurt before he shrugged. He laughed and held up the skin while I screamed and fell down and turned around on the ground. pain flared up again and again I wanted to throw up, I just wanted to die so that the pain could disappeared. I felt arms around my shoulders and how someone lifted me up in his arms. I twisted and turned to get down on the ground again.
- Shaf what is it calm down tell me what's wrong?
Zayn held me in his arms and my arm was restored and the pain went numb.
- Sure it's a cool trick, smiled Fem proud. It started three years ago and I have just developed it. all times in a lesson courtroom when it vanished things, people fell, the teacher yelling at unseen things that was me every time. I can twist reality I did not pull of your skin, When they all disappeared, it was not really Fizzy and Fizzy is a bird technically. I got the ground to shake when you walked, people disappear, the forces to come and yes Liam, I did not die but your trick was fantastic. Unfortunately, I twisted it a little bit, but mind reading of images is difficult. Cari learned ... against her will of course, but otherwise there is nothing wrong with her.
- Why did you take her away?!, Louis asked angrily.
- Have you not heard about poor Cari. dying ... not her of course but her mother.
Louis had tears in his eyes and tugged at their chains.
- Idiot stop wriggling around so much! Cried Fem
Chapter 6. Almost There
It was cold outside but I did not bother so much when I went back and looked over all the headstones. the cemetery were two hours away from school and the only one of us who could transport himself was Louis so we had to walk all the way. We were sweaty and panting, but now we were looking for the right grave. I thought it was weird to walk around and not able to see anything except what the little candle flame in the palm as the only light. I dusted a tombstone with my hand and read. I shook my head and continued. Harry walked the aisle next to me and every now and then I looked at him. He was incredibly quiet, but I had a strange feeling over me.
- Harry do you think it might be Fem? I asked after a little while.
- Maybe we'll see if you're right, he said and it crawled into the skin on me, annoying me over how he sounded.
- You know that I didn't mean what I said in the library, I mumbled.
- Let me guess it was just what Liam forced you to say?
- Yes indeed! Harry looking at me do you believe more in Liam than me? I asked.
I looked into his green eyes and smiled. I had missed his eyes on me. He smiled a little uncertainly back but pulled me into a hug. He smelled of vanilla while I smelled the grass and earth. our lips found each other and I felt him smile during the kiss.
- I must have done something good in my life so that I could earn you in my life, mumbled Harry and kissed me again.

Zayn was far down there and tore up the ground with the shovel. the earth made him dirty and soon Louis and Niall had to follow after to help him. the sound of the shovel that hit the wood echoed through the air and made me move me closer to Harry's safe embrace.
- Are you ready up there? Cried Zayn.
- Just open so I will get out of here, 'said Niall irritated.
it sounded as if something broke down, and then how someone screamed before a dust cloud came up to the surface. I looked down. Niall had fallen into the coffin which was empty.
- I was right it is Fem, he didn't die, I said and looked over the cemetery as if he would come and say that he was only joking before he jumped into the grave and died again.
- Do you have any idea where he might be. I mean you know him best, 'said Harry, and put his arm over my shoulders.
- Shaf think he must have said something at some point, 'said Liam.
- Last year ... He said something about a stone. I did not understand what he was talking about because it sounded like the narnia movie. But I have to me that he said it was beyond the cemetery, into the woods, down the path and turn right.
- You're wonderful, 'said Harry and kissed me on the temple.
The forest hid the night sky and made me nervous. I might be tough when it was light but now it was pitch dark and I could barely even see Harry who went before me.
- Shaf
I shivered. no one had said anything after that it was a dead silence between us all. the only thing that could be heard was the wind, yet it sounded as if it called to me.
- Shaf
I looked back but saw nothing but trees that surrounded us.
- Almost there and you know what I should do?
I'll take your little boyfriend and killing him in front of your eyes.
all of them will die and you can not do
The awful laugh that came afterwards made me shake so much that Harry pulled me tighter into his arms. I could feel how Harry was snatched away from me, I heard when it took Zayn and Liam. How the leaves rustling when It pulled Niall and how something ran across to catch hold of Louis.
the last thing I remember was sharp teeth tore at me and how I fell to the ground.
Chapter 5. we bury the battle ax
The ground shook under my feet when I again went back and forth across the abandoned courtyard. Zayn was sitting on one of the statues that were broken. He kept looking towards Louis and Niall who sat close together and talked on the other side. Liam and Harry was sitting under the statue silent and looked at me while I went back and forth. for each harder step I took, the more shaking and my feet started to get cracking. I was not even the least afraid of falling down between or stumble on them, but I just went back and forth.
My thoughts were gathered to figure out where Cari could be, and between my thoughts, I heard what the guys said. Zayn was talking about a vampire or werewolf but I didn't believe it. Liam said it was surely a demon while Harry laughed and suggested that it was a zombie. I got tired quickly on their conversation mostly because it just made me worry even more. Cari, dear sweet wonderful Cari was gone and they laughed it off zombies.
- Shaf sit down, you will destroy the whole yard!, Zayn laughed out loud.
- Then may it break, I said grimly, staring at him.
he raised his hands in a surrendering gesture and then looked at me. He inspected me which made me feel even more uncomfortable and made me think even more.
- Don't stare at me, I mumbled.
- stop going around, Liam said annoyed
I stopped and wanted to continue, but every fiber in me screamed in protest when I even tried to lift the foot.
- Don't use your power on her, said Zayn and hit Liam on the shoulder.
Liam waved a bit annoyed with his hands and I looked gratefully at Zayn who just smiled back. I felt the tears come and Zayn quickly arrived in fornt of me and hugged me.
- Why did they take Cari, I sobbed and put my arms around him.
- We will find her I promise, Zayn murmured to me so that no one else could hear.

You know Shaf between you and Cari, I always liked you best.
maybe for all the smiles, you never was mean to me
although I was mean to you. but now I have Cari here
and I must admit she screams terribly much.
Hurry Shaf the clock goes, you get one day
I started shaking when I read the letter that had been lying on my pillow. I did not know who wrote or how I would figure out who it was. I thought of all who I last talk to but I was already up to ten people. I thought of those who hated us, which just came up a name. but he was dead. I rushed towards Liam's room, I knew he did not sleep so I knocked hard.
- What do you want?, He asked, and let me enter.
- I think there are Fem who are doing this.
- He's dead you know he died before our eyes, 'said Liam ironic and fell down on his bed again.
- Has anyone checked the grave? last I know there wasn't even an funeral to go to.
- If you want rob graves you might as well go to Zayn, laughed Liam.
- Just get the others we need to figure this out... just read this, I said hard and pressed the letter into his hand.
I sat in the hallway to the dining room and tried not to fall asleep on the stone floor. I yawned big when I saw them. sight was warm because I have not seen it for so long. Liam and Harry was joking a bit but Harry looked a little pained still. Zayn and Louis went into each others arms, laughing and Niall went beside and smiled. how could they all be friends again just like that? it was unbelievable.
- Oh dear moment ... what is this wonderful that I see, I smiled towards them.
- It only lasts until we find Cari said Louis.
- What about the gangs then? I asked and stood up.
- The person who finds her first get another member, said Zayn and shrugged.
- And if any of you are alone then?, I asked, nodding toward Louis and Niall.
- Don't care as long as I get back Cari, smiled Louis.
Niall didn't seem worried either because I knew he was missing Liam, Harry and Zayn as a friend. He would still keep in touch with Louis I knew that. somehow, I was pretty proud of them.
Chapter 4. what is actually happening?

the room was shaking under my feet when I angrily walked up and down on the stone floor. Cari sat up on my bed and looked sad.
- Shaf stop worry I'm sure that Harry heard what Liam said, I mean he screamed of course, said Cari after a few minutes.
- No, he would not otherwise he looked at me like that!, I said desperately, feeling the tears being forced up.
what was it with me I would not cry over things like this. what had happened really. Harry meant a lot to me again and now the gangs destroy it again? could they stop interfering in what the other guys did. I could not stand their nagging, fighting and war between each other. Cari came over and hugged me. I felt her consciousness slowly stroking against my own and I could not help smiling. I hugged her back.
- I was going to meet Louis in five minutes do you want to come with us? She asked.
- No Thanks Cari, but I'll stay here and think of a way to make friends with Harry again, I smiled and hugged her again.
there was a knock on the window. the clock was one in the morning but I was wide awake, thinking of Cari, Harry and myself. it knocked again, and I forced myself to get up. I opened the window and in with the cold air came Niall. He smiled big and hugged me so that even the cold embraced me. Niall gently took my hand and we went out the window. We snuck down the ladder and when I landed on the wet grass I laughed quietly. Niall took my hand again and pulled me to the woods behind the school. when we had come in a bit and the school could not be seen more as he released my hand. the ground was dry so I sat down on the nearest rock, and got my breath.
- I'm sorry about that with Liam, Niall said at last.
- It's all right, power has only risen upon his head, It happens if we use our power to much, I smiled.
- Have you found your yet?, He asked, touching the tree trunk that was on the tree in front of me.
I simply shook my head sure some things have happened when I got angry like the room shook or that there were cracks in the ground if I walked away from someone. but there was no special power or was it?
- You then have you noticed anything?, I asked, smiling at him as he sat next to me.
- Strangely enough, do not laugh now, but I can talk to animals and plants, he said guiltily and looked at the ground.
- Plants? I said, questioningly.
He walked up tilll tree again and whispered something, and soon it was as if the tree shook itself and leaves fell to the ground. it was so beautiful to see the different colors of the leaves, mix with each other before they fell to the ground and lay around Nialls feet.
- That was unbelievable how long have you been able to do that?, I laughed and walked toward him.
- A week, he said and shrugged. But that's not why I took you out here. I dare not say it straight out but I think this can help me.
He took out a guitar behind one out of the trees behind me and slowly began to play.

I smiled childishly large.
- Shaf truth is that I trust you a lot and I want to be more than friends with you. I might have been a little of a jerk to you before but I like you so much.
- Niall, I ...
His lips pressed against mine, his hands went down my back and my hands went through his hair.
As I stepped in with Niall behind me the clock was five. Louis and Zayn ran together against us. it was the first time in years I have seen the two of them together. shortly after came Liam, Harry and Andy.
- Where is the fire?, Laughed Niall.
- Cari is gone, 'said Louis breathless.
- What do you mean, I asked, surprised.
- She's gone like not longe rin the school. Look, said Zayn and showed a note to us.
I'm sorry Shaf but I can not stay I've given myself in but ...
it looked as if someone had snatched her away from the paper. I felt the tears come. First Harry, now I've messed up with Niall and now Cari gone what's going on really?!
Chapter 3. Death
I kicked at a pebble on the road and pulled into the courtyard. everyone looked so happy unaware of how gangs have changed. a group of girls sitting on the table on the lawn, laughing, a couple of guys played soccer. I felt lonely over that Cari knew about their plans. Who would I talk to?
- Shaf?
Fem was standing behind me with a smile, what happened to him not to bother me for a while I thought a little annoyed but I didn't care that much. Fem were actually really nice when he could make an effort to do be it.
- Fem what do you want?
He combed his blond hair with his fingers and gave me a shy smile.
- Well I want to say sorry for that .. you know. But I just wonder what is wrong with Liam I think Zayn control him a bit much, he said and began to go so I followed.
- Of course Zayn control him, I sighed.
- a bit rude don't you think? Liam is a nice guy.
- Just as you are when you try to be, I said and saw the blush rising on him.
He smiled wide before he began to slow down the pace.

- You know that they are getting into war at any time, right? He asked anxiously.
- Yes, unfortunately so.
He nodded and walked away.
I sat in the library and read the homework that would be in tomorrow. I wrote quickly and too often I was about to fall asleep. I drummed with one hand on the book and thinking about things so I wouldn't fall asleep. Harry and Liam walked in the door and looked at me before they disappeared. they knew I did not want to talk to them, Fem sat down opposite me.
- I have a feeling that you don't like them right now, he smiled.
- Seriously Fem leave me alone right now I need to be done with this I have about five pages left.
- Here give me, he said, and looked through my papers and then some in the book.
He ran his hand over those empty pages and gave it back.
- Of course talk to me now, he said, leaning across the table.
- Don't use your gift on this kind of things.
- Fem get out of here, Liam said who came and stood behind him.
Fem shook his head and turned to Liam.
- Nightmares can become real, you know, 'Liam said and winked.
Fems face was cleared, his eyes went up in fear and a scream, looked out from his throat. He stood up and looked at Liam as if Liam would kill him. The scratches were on Fems cheek and blood poured down his throat. there were three long streaks of blood on his shirt right at the belly and Fem shook violently now. He fell to the floor and then heard a loud crack and his back stretched before he relaxed. He didn't move. I ran over to him and turned him. the blood was gone, but the scratches were left although they looked pale as if this had happened years ago. his skin was cold and gray. I felt for something was broken but no ... no pulse and his eyes were quite white.
- Liam what have you done.
- Taught him the fear itself, he grinned.
- But what's wrong with you?!, I yelled out. A year ago you could not even harm a bird, and now you kill people just because they say to you? What a fucking monster you've become!
- I did that Zayn asked for ...
- Zayn asked you to kill Fem?
- No, he said that Fem wouldn't talk to you again, he smiled.
- You were a good person Liam. Everyone liked you and now you kill people because of what Zayn said? he is not good for you and now you want to drag Harry into this? drag the whole school down to destruction just because Zayn asked you for a favor. You are a monster, I said shaking.
He stepped closer to me.
- You're lying! I'm not a monster. you are a monster, you can not decide over me and Harry said before he wanted to switch sides to be closer to you. Did you know that if you two are together, he will eventually drive you mad. it will not be you or your words. you will feel trapped. Say it! Say you do not love him! SAY IT! shouted Liam.
- I do not love him, I muttered back and felt my body became numb.
Chapter 2. Let the game begin
- Miss Shaf, answer the question please?, My teacher yelled at me.
- Two, I said loudly, looking stubbornly at him while he nodded.
- Just make sure not to sleep in class again, it is enough that Cari was banned but you are one of the top students.
I nodded silently and walked out of the classroom. Liam was waiting for me, he was simply leaning against the wall and smiled wider when I went to honom. a twitching caused me to turn around and the guy with the blonde hair looked at me with his blue eyes.
- Louis would like to say that he's sorry, he said, smiling slightly a little crooked. His Irish accent made me smile for no reason.
- Niall nice to see you again. it was not exactly yesterday, if we say so, I smiled and hugged him.
Niall muttered something before he shot a nasty glance at Liam and then disappeared.
- Zayn wants to talk to you, Liam said just like yesterday.
Liam walked over and grabbed my wrist before he leaned down and whispered, "Go to Zayn and talk to him" a warm feeling swept through me and I nodded. Liam smiled before disappearing as I practically ran to Zayn now.

Zayn laughed a little when I stumbled through the door. I looked confusedly around me, we stood in the same old classroom that was pretty worn. we usually had a few magic lessons here but it was mostly if we wanted to try blowing up something or if one of them who had special powers needed extra help. several of us students on the school were having these powers. Wizards with an extra gift. Liam was able to control your thoughts so that was why they where so many that obeyed him, Zayn was a charmer, which made everyone like him or hate him. Louis had the strange gift to give joy and Cari could read minds, and it was one of the reasons that she knew exactly when I needed her. Harry had a similar gift that Liam just that Harry couldn't control his power and then little me .... I was just ordinary.
Zayn and Liam stood with Andy, Sean and a guy that was new, his name was Ben. on the other side of the room stood Niall, Harry, Louis and Cari. I knew she had a thing for Louis but I thought she was a little enchanted by Zayn now though it was only because he used his power on her.
- What is happening here?, I asked, feeling a little away.
- We need a judge, laughed Louis.
- For what?, I smiled big all of the sudden.
- You know, tough guys against the . Though little Cari wanted to change teams, Zayn said teasingly and winked at Cari who began to blush.
- What are the competitions then?
- You decide, smiled Niall now if he had been little more than before it was blown away.
the old Niall was back. I could not understand these guys. in my first year they had been the best friends. Niall and Zayn was like ying and yang there was nothing they didn't talk about it was probably because of that Zayn took it so hard when Niall turned his back on him. Apparently Harry had used his power on Zayn and then Liam had given back on Harry and used his power to make Harry hurt himself. after that Louis gave back on Liam and towards the end it was two different teams that gathered other poor souls to fight with them. and now they are two gangs who are fighting against each other. magic against magic, word against word, and fights against fights. They had been my firends but I couldn't pick a side so I didn't talk to them in the same way anymore. I haven't done that on eighteen monts.
- Okay, get a girl back here and if you use your magic one her, you are out of the game, the first group that comes back wins and Cari you stay here because you know if they would use their powers.
all nodded and disappeared except Cari who sat on one of the benches. She smiled a little.
- Yes Zayn enchanted me stop judging me, okay?, She laughed.
- He liked you before, you know?, I said, looking down at the floor.
- I know he thought about it when we talked before. he's a bit like a open book he thinks too much. He's not like you, you focus on one thing and let the other be that's why I know that you are currently agonizing over how to get them to agree again, and that you really like Harry.
- I do not even know him that well not since they split up!, I said with a blush that shouldn't be there.

Last one in was Louis. He had a long brunette behind.
- Okay, "tough guys" you win, but only because Harry used his power, I mumbled and looked into Harry's eyes.
his eyes reflected shame and it was mostly because everyone in the room knew he couldn't control it. it was not his fault.
- The next have Cari planned. so we follow her, I smiled.
we all went out with Louis and Cari in front they said goodbye to the other girls and Zayn gave smoothly away his number his girl. I went last while the thoughts went around over the Cari said.
- Shaf?
- mm what is it?, I asked, looking up into his green eyes.
he smiled wide and took my hand in his. His hand was warm and I leaned against him. there was a tingling in the body and a smile came out.
- I was just wondering if you still liked me, the same old feeling of warmth washed over me. it was the power, His power that gently touched every part of me. it was so different from Liam. with Liam it all was over in a moment and with Harry.. it was like he was holding on to it and wouldn't let go.
- I like you very much Harry, I have always done but I don't know... since you have chosen sides, I've been a little off, focused on me and not thought that much about anyone else but I miss you Harry.
- And our late nights when we sat there and counted the stars?
- Just because I could convince you to do so.
- You could always convince me, he smiled and stood up.
Cari had led us to the kitchen. Niall laughed and went on about how he would win this race I think that's why Cari chosen this. she wanted to give the others a chance cause even if we liked Zayn and his gang, We both hoped that Harry, Louis and Niall would win. Cari explained the rules, only one were allowed to participate and of course it ended up between Niall and Andy. if you ate everything you won, one problem was that it was a long table with several plates on. the most part looked disgusting and I wouldn't even try to taste it.
- Begin! yelled Cari.

- Woho Feel owned bitches!, Niall screamed happily when he was finished.
- Looser you cheated! shouted Andy.
-wish all you want but you were too slow this time, 'Niall said and patted Andy on the shoulder.
Niall hugged Harry and Louis and then check with me if he actually won and of course he had done so. Andy had about three plates left and looked absolutely sick. Niall, however, was happy and alert, he would have won just like I thought all along. So now it was one to one.
- Basketball as the last race, I said low.
Zayn was the best at basketball so we already knew who would win. Harry stared at me like I was crazy. Louis sighed Supplied and Niall had suddenly become upset while the other team was happy as a bunch of three year olds.
Sure all struggled but eventually had Zayn made five goals and then the others had given up. this was how the fight ended. all were still angry at each other.
- Who do you want?, Louis asked angrily.
- Harry, Zayn smiled as if he had a plan.
- What's going on here?
- The price was that someone would change the group we won so Harry is our right, smiled Liam.
Harry nodded and I knew that Liam used his power. I just wanted to beat them up but I couldn't so I ran away, I couldn't look at them right now they have crossed the line.
Chapter 1. What have you done?

- I sent Liam on Fem you know how good that guy is on talking to people, then he may have used his magic on Fem so that he deliberately went into the cellar and may have fallen down some stairs.
Senli and I started a fight and you know how I can't say no to a fight. And Louis well ... you don't want to know, Zayn laughed
Once again Cari stormed into the room. She shoved Zayn out of the room and sat down on the bed infront of me.
- It wasn't you fault, she said and hugged me.
Of course, she had heard everything, her spell that made you hear everything was perfect so of course she could hear me and Zayns chat. I hate loved Cari, but we were best friends and it was exactly what I needed right now a best friend.
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