Harry - Safe and Sound
Harry picked up the last suitcase from the front hall and rolled it out the door.
“Yes mum! We haven’t forgotten anything… I swear! Okay. I love you too.” I spoke through the phone. Harry turned, blowing a kiss to me. I smiled.
“Harry loves you too. I’ll call you when we get there okay?” I hung up the phone, grabbing the car keys.
“Are we all packed up?” Harry asked, looking in the trunk.
“Yes, now can we please go?” I laughed impatiently. He kissed me quickly, taking the keys from my hand.
“Alright, get in the car.” I tried not to run to the other side of the car, climbing inside quickly. Harry and I had been together for nearly two years. He had just got back from his world tour and he had promised we’d go to our cottage when he returned.
“You have no idea how excited I am.” I said, buckling my seatbelt. Finally it would be just Harry and I. No fans, just us. He intertwined his fingers with mine, pulling out of the drive.
“I think I’m more excited than you!” He joked, stroking my hand with his thumb. We laughed and talked for hours, only pulling over for gas. The sun was starting to set and we made our way around the bend of the countryside. The trees were like giants looming over us, the sun peeking through the branches. I was beginning to doze off, leaning on Harry’s arm.
“Hey! Don’t fall asleep and leave me to talk to myself for the rest of the way!” He laughed, playing with my hair. I sat up smiling, turning so my back was to the car door.
“Keep me awake! Sing for me.” I raised my eyebrows, biting my lip. Harry smiled, eyes on the road.
“Okay. Just one song because I love you.” He said, tapping his fingers on the steering wheel. He hummed to get the beat.
“If you ever leave me baby! Leave some morphine at my door! Cause it would take a whole lotta medication, to realize what we had we don’t have it anymore!” He sang, his deep voice captivating me. I watched his curls sway when he looked at me, smiling. He turned, his face going white. I looked out the windshield as Harry swerved, dodging a deer. I screamed as we slid off the road down the steep hill. Harry let go of the steering wheel, grabbing me into his arms. The car flipped, tremendous sounds of glass and metal shattering, echoed off the trees.
I opened my eyes, everything white. The trees came into focus, the orange sky above me. I cried out as I moved my arm. Sitting up I looked around violently.
“HARRY! HARRY WHERE ARE YOU?!” I screamed, standing up. Chunks of metal were scattered, smoke billowing from the car. I ran around it, tears running down my face. I saw his foot, then his torso.
“HARRY!” I fell to the ground, putting my hands to his chest. Shards of glass were poked into his pale skin, blood soaking his clothes.
“Please don’t cry.” Harry whispered, his voice hoarse and full of pain. I sucked in ragged breaths, sobbing.
“Sh, be quiet, help will come soon baby.” I choked, knowing it wasn’t true. The birds called out to eachother, the only noise in the forest. Harry shook his head, smiling weakly.
“Nobody is coming. You need to go get help. You’re bleeding.” He raised his shaky arm to wipe the cut on my forehead.
“No, I can’t leave you.” I cried, taking his face in my hands. A tear slid down his face but he smiled.
“Baby you need to go. You need to get help.” I shook my head fiercely, taking his hand in mine.
“I’m not leaving you, somebody will help us-”
“I have to go now.” Harry whispered, squeezing my hand. His pulse was slow, sweat gleamed on his face. His breath was short and raspy but he was trying to hide it. My eyes widened, realizing what he meant.
“Harry please. Please don’t leave me. You can’t, I love you so much, you can’t leave. Stay with me please!” I screamed, running my fingers through his tangled curls. Harry was white, the blood covering him looked foreign. He pulled me towards his face in agony, pressing his lips against mine.
“I love you so much.” He choked, the tears streaming down his face. I nodded, taking his hand in mine. I knew he was leaving me. I cried, watching his chest rise slowly and fall. He closed his eyes, still holding my hand.
“Harry?” His chest didn’t rise. His grip loosened in my hand.
“HARRY?” I yelled, shaking him. I sat still. He was gone. I laid beside him, wrapping my arms around him. The birds voices faded. The color of the trees darkened. There was no sound of cars up on the road. I laid there for a long time. Hours.
“I’ll see you soon baby.” I whispered in Harry’s ear then kissing his soft lips. I stood up. My clothes were wet with blood. There were cuts all over my arms and legs. I couldn’t feel them.
“I’ll see you soon baby.” I whispered again, walking towards the edge of the cliff. The wind blew through my hair as I walked slowly towards the edge, looking up at the trees. I looked down, watching the water speed around jagged rocks. I turned looking at Harry. I crossed my hands over my chest, smiling.
“I’ll see you soon baby.” I closed my eyes, falling towards the water.
Det skulle ha varit en sång till men jag kunde inte hitta den denna gjordes av: Dom två tidigare hade jag inga länkar till men det var två härliga tjejer till på tumblr som skrev dom så jag tar inte åt mig äran för dom! Okay enjoy your reading♥
I’ve Loved You For a Thousand Years, and I’ll Love You For a Thousand More.
The couple exited down the steps of the church, arm in arm, the sun shining down on them. A large gathering of their friends and family stood on either side of the pathway which led down to the car, two long rows of men in suits and women in dresses of all different lengths and colours.
The newlyweds waved to everyone as the chauffeur opened the door and they sat onto the soft leather seats, their fingers entwined the whole time.
With one last wave to their friends and family, they turned to face eachother, smiles plastered across both of their faces.
‘I love you, Zayn’ whispered the oldest boy, leaning as far as his seatbelt would allow to be as close as possible to his new husband.
‘I love you too Louis’ answered the dark haired boy, his eyes sparkling in the sunlight that shone through his window.
Louis and Zayn Tomlinson.
‘Psst, Lou, wake up!’ Zayn whispered, shaking Louis’ shoulder vigorously in an attempt to wake him up.
‘Mmff, what do you want?’ Louis’ muffled voice came from underneath the blanket.
‘Happy anniversary!’ Zayn said, kissing Louis’ bare shoulder which was exposed between the edge of the duvet and the pillow.
Louis rolled over on the mattress to face his husband, an adoring, loving look in his eyes.
‘Happy anniversary gorgeous’ he leaned up and kissed Zayn’s lips gently, butterflies going crazy in his stomach like they did everytime he even laid eyes on Zayn.
‘I’ll never stop loving you. You know that, right?’
‘I’ll love you for a thousand years’ Louis squeezed Zayn’s hand before falling asleep on Zayn’s bare chest, the beat of his heart on his cheek.
The first year the couple weren’t together on their anniversary.
Louis had gone home to his family in Doncaster after a family emergency, so Zayn was left on his own in the Tomlinson household.
He climbed into bed and pulled Louis’ nightshirt off his pillow and held it up to his face, breathing in Louis’ scent. His phone vibrated on his bedside table and he reached across and picked it up, his heart racing when he saw Louis’ picture flashing on the screen. He opened up the message and a smile grew on his lips.
‘Happy Anniversary gorgeous! Sorry I can’t be there, will make it up 2 you when I’m home from Donny tomorrow. Can’t wait 2 see your gorgeous face again. Hope you’ve got me a coolio prezzie;) Love you millions. Lou xxx’
Even though Louis wasn’t with him, Zayn still felt like he was lying right there next to him. He couldn’t wait to see him again tomorrow, to hold him in his arms, to kiss his soft lips and to feel his touch. He couldn’t wait.
{10 Years Later} 2025
‘Louis, how many more anniversaries will you leave me?! Why do you have to ruin it for me again?! You know how much it killed me last year!’ Zayn screamed, collapsing backwards onto the sofa in tears.
‘Zayn I’m sorry!’ Louis pleaded Zayn’s forgiveness. He knew just as much as Zayn did that being separated for yet another anniversary would kill him inside.
‘Sorry’s never good enough anymore though is it Louis? We both say it yet we still carry on fighting! What happened to what we were like all those years ago? Why did it all suddenly have to change?!’
‘I don’t know, Zayn. I don’t know. But it’s our fault. We let this happen. All we do is argue! Please, let me go back to Doncaster, sort things out, then I’ll come straight back and we’ll sort it out, okay? I promise!’
Zayn held his head in his hands, refusing to look at Louis. He pointed to the door, where Louis’ weekend bag was already waiting, packed and ready to go.
‘Go’ he said coldly, standing up and staring Louis piercingly in the eye.
‘Go on, go! If that means more to you than me, I understand. Go on, go back to the ones that mean the most!’ Zayn ordered, a harsh tone in his voice.
Louis’ bottom lip quivered as he fought back more tears, his eyes full of sadness and guilt, but even so he turned towards the front door and stood there, his bag over his shoulder, staring back at where Zayn was standing at the bottom of the hallway.
‘Zayn, I-’ he started, reaching out his hand, in the hope Zayn would take it.
‘Get out!’ Zayn yelled, storming upstairs. Louis heard him break down once he got to the bedroom. He pulled open the front door and hurried out to his car, slamming it behind him.
Zayn’s phone vibrated a few seconds later. He picked it up and read the message.
‘I just wanted to say I love you. Louis.’
‘And let’s just take a minute to remember boyband sensation, Louis Tomlinson, who unfortunately died in a car accident on the way back from Doncaster a year ago to this day. Rest In Peace Louis’
Zayn flicked off his car radio, leaning his head on the steering wheel and breaking down into a fit of tears.
He pulled his phone out from his pocket and went into his inbox, dating all the way back to 2013 when he first got the text that meant everything to him.
Zayn, I’m not going to be home until tomorrow because of traffic, but I can’t wait until then so, I was wondering if you’d do me the honour of marrying me?x
He remembered the moment Louis got home so vividly, like it was only yesterday.
Louis stood in the doorway, dropping all of his bags when Zayn opened the door with open arms, a huge smile on his face.
‘Yes! Yes, yes, yes!’ Zayn cried, watching as Louis’ jaw shaped into a gigantic toothy grin, throwing himself into Zayn’s arms.
‘I love you so much!’ Zayn whispered into Louis’ ear.
‘I’ll love you for a thousand years’.
Zayn looked up into the sky.
‘I know you’re up there somewhere gorgeous. I can’t keep you waiting any longer. I’m coming, Lou. Hold on..’ he whispered as he pulled his cigarette lighter out of his pocket, clutching his wedding ring tightly in his left hand.
He flicked the lighter until a flame appeared, tears brimming in his eyes. He dropped the lighter onto the passenger seat where Louis had always sat. He watched as the flame quickly spread across the seat and onto the floor in the front and back of the car, smoke quickly filling up the small vehicle.
Zayn began to choke, just about managing to slide his wedding ring onto his finger.
‘I’m coming Louis, I’m coming..I’m coming’ he rasped, his eyes drooping. Blackness took over.
Zayn ran down the dark tunnel to the circle of light he saw in the distance. It got closer with every step he took, reaching out with his right hand to get closer. His wedding ring glistened in the bright, white light.
He saw a silhouette at the entrance to the ball of light, a broad figure of someone he knew all too well.
‘Louis!’ he cried, his speed increasing as he raced to get to his husband.
The figure turned abruptly as they heard their name. ‘Zayn?!’
‘Louis, it’s me!’ Zayn screamed, slowing as he got nearer the figure.
‘You came!’ Louis said, pulling Zayn into his arms, his missing piece finally fitting back into place.
‘I love you Louis, forever and always. Now we can be together forever’ Zayn said into Louis’ shoulder.
‘For a thousand years?’ Louis whispered.
‘And a thousand more’.
Louis took Zayn’s hand like he had for the first time on their wedding day, their fingers interlocking and their wedding rings brushing eachother. They turned towards the ball of light and walked into it.
They were finally together again; and that was all Zayn had ever wanted.
Niam - Moments
Listen and Read:
Liam POV.
It shouldn’t have happened. It wasn’t right and it would.never.be.right. I couldn’t stop replaying back the last few hours. I wanted it to stop, I wanted to forget about it, and I wanted to erase it. I loved Niall, he was my best friend, but this, it wasn’t supposed to be like this. I replayed back earlier today again.
“Niall, you can’t act like you’re ok and sit there moping around. I know you, something’s wrong.” I questioned him. “It’s really nothing Liam” he shot back and walked to the kitchen. I stood in the door way just watching him. It was painful to see him like this, I just watch him stand there with the sting of tears in his eyes. “Niall,please tell me” the pain in my voice seeping out, I heard it, he heard it, yet silence still rang out. What happened next was the unexplainable. He turned around his eyes searing into my skin and I felt our bodies lurch forward instinctively and we collapsed into each other. Our lips molded together like our hips; like they belonged there. I couldn’t think, I couldn’t comprehend, but it just felt right. My world was spinning faster and faster till he pulled away. Reality hit me hard, like a brick to the face.
“What…..what….was that for?” I stuttered. I didn’t let Niall get a word in before I spoke again. “Why would you do that? Niall this isn’t right! WHY WOULD YOU DO THAT?You’re going to ruin everything. I can’t even……not right now……how…..” I raced out of the room slamming the door on a stunned pale face.
Niall POV.
“Why would you do that? Niall this isn’t right! WHY WOULD YOU DO THAT? You’re going to ruin everything. I can’t even……not right now……how…..” Liam screamed and slammed the door. I stood there stunned a slow tear dripped from my blue eye. My vision started to blur along with my mind. I couldn’t decide what to feel, the happiest moment of my life just turned into my worst nightmare. His words echoed in my head, “You’re going to ruin everything.” That’s all I ever do. I ruin everything. I couldn’t do it, not without Liam. He hates me now; the band is never going to forgive me. I just ruined the single best thing in my life. I slowly walked to the bathroom,every step I took thinking about how empty my life would now be without Liam, andevery creak on the floor board reminded me of why I could not do it without him. I shut the door behind me and opened the drawer so shaken the contents spilled across the floor. There it laid my weapon of choice, my silencer, and my peace. I sat there holding the blade, staring at it, examining every fine curve and line. I thought, “Should I do it?” and my mind told me something I’d needed to hear. “Someone asked me the other day if my glass was half empty or half full. I was going to say it’s empty, but that’s not completely true. My life isn’t void and I have my happy moments; but they usually just seem to disappear, or get worse. So, my glass is cracked. Yes, cracked. It gets filled up with happiness and hope, but it always ends up escaping my grasp. It always ends up empting out. It will never be full because it’s always leaking. And one day, it will get thrown away, because no one wants a broken glass.” Liam isn’t holding the cracked glass anymore, he’s let it fall and shards scattered across the floor. I looked at the blade and pressed it to my wrist, “I Love You, Liam” I managed a whisper.
Liam POV.
What did I do? Why did I say that? My foot pressed harder on the gas pedal. “Niall pick up!” I screamed into the phone. Tears were screaming down my face. I know what I wanted, and it was him. It had always been him, it would always be him. I swung the front door open and saw the same scene from the previous hours. “Niall” I whispered. “Niall” my voice rose louder, “NIALL” I yelled. My heart and head told me what I feared the most. The light shone from the crack in the bathroom door. I edged my feet closer and closer hoping he was just taking a shower to rinse of today’s pains. I swung the door open.
My knees hit the floor. “Nialler…..” I mustered through a sob. My body twisted in agony and my heart bursting into pieces. I crawled through the splatters of blood and into his arms. I grabbed the razor and held it in between my fingers imagining my baby holding it. Breaking skin I felt liquid trickling down my wrist, I continued with the other one maintaining eye contact with him the whole time. Every heart has a pain. Only the way of expressing it is different. Fools hide it in eyes, while the brilliant hide it in their smile. Niall hid it in his smile, but he had accepted his love for me, and I always denied it. “Niall, if there is any part of you that can hear me. Listen, you know I’ll be your life, your voice, your reason to be, my love, my heart, is breathing for this moment in time. I loved you. I’ve always loved you, but I shouldn’t have been ashamed. I should have embraced it, I had so many opportunities. I’m sorry.” I couldn’t feel my body anymore and my eyes drifted open and then they would close and I felt my vision get splotchy. Every minute that passed I felt my love for Niall get stronger and stronger like I was getting closer and closer to being with him. And then we hugged each other tighter than we ever had before, knowing that we never would again in this lifetime.
My last breath felt shallow and hot as I stared at the floor and what I saw next made everything worthwhile. Written in blood, quite smudged, but still visible to my eyes wrote “I still love you, and I forgive you. See you soon.” He knew. And the world disappeared beneath my body.
Niall - Give Me love
5 years ago
We were all waiting in Niall’s house. Niall and I have been dating for two years. He was my first kiss. I lost my virginity to him a few months ago. Niall was the sweetest guy in Mullingar. Niall had auditioned for x-factor a few weeks ago. He was in boot camp right now. We waited eagerly for his phone call. We waited for hours and hours, getting even more anxious. Ring ring. I immediately picked up the phone. I put it on speaker. “Hello” I greeted. His family members listened closely. “I made it. I got through boot camp.” I could hear him crying. We all cheered and congratulated him. “I’m not going as a solo though.” I told everyone to quiet down. “What do you mean you’re not going as a solo?” I inquired. “Well I didn’t make it at first, but they put me and these four other lads in a group,” he explained. “Hey at least you made it!” his brother shouted excitedly. I returned home. Later that night I got a call from Niall. “Hey, aren’t you going to sleep yet?” I asked. There was a quick silence. “Yea but I called to talk about something else.” I listened carefully. “I’m breaking up with you. I still love you and all but I need to focus on x-factor. You never know singing could be my career, so right now I need to focus on this. I love you. Promise you’d wait for me, after x-factor is over.” I didn’t know what to say. He was dumping me for some stupid competition. He doesn’t even know if he’s going to making it through the finals. The only words that came out were “I promise.” I hung up the phone. Suddenly I rushed to the sink and started puking.
Present Day
Niall POV
“Niall why are you so quiet it today?” Louis asked. “I had another dream about her. I can’t believe I let her slip away from my fingers.” I opened my wallet and started at her picture. “Wait you mean (Y/N), it’s been 5 years Niall. Just forget about her. Don’t you have her number? You know where she lives right?” “No, she moved without leaving an address. I have no idea where she is now. Plus my contacts got deleted and I can’t remember her phone number” I deeply sighed. I miss her a lot.
A few days later after our conversation, Louis and the lads all called me down excitedly. I didn’t feel like getting off the bed. I trudged down the stairs. “Guess who we found” Liam announced cheekily. I shrugged. “(Y/N)!” Zayn yelled. He held up a piece of paper. I quickly took it from his hands and scanned through the paper. It had her current address on it. “How’d you find this?” “We used the internet stupid!” Harry answered. “What are you waiting for? Aren’t you going to meet her? We’re not busy today. Here I’ll drive you there.” Louis said. I was elated. I was finally going to meet her. I got ready and left with Louis.
It only took an hour and a half to get to her house. Her house was located in a massive field. Louis stayed in the car while I knocked on the door. The door slightly opened. I little boy peeked at me. He opened the door wider. “Is your mum here?” He nodded his head and called his mum. “James, what did I still you about opening the door?” The voice sounded very familiar. She glanced at me. She was surprised and had a stern look on her face. She told James to watch TV and she stepped outside, closing the door behind her. “Hey…I miss you.” I was about to give her a hug but she rejected me. Her eyes where watery and tears started to form. She let out all her emotions. “Stay away from me you bastard. You made me suffer for four years. Every day you made me think that you were actually going to go back to me, but you didn’t. Do you know how depressed you made me? You know people spread rumors about me and ridiculed me? I had no-one to talk to Niall. You were the only friend who I could talk about anything. I was trapped for four years. For god sakes I didn’t even finish college because of you!” She started wailing. I tried to comfort her but she wouldn’t let me. I lost my patience and started yelling. “What does that have to do with me? I wanted to call you, but I lost your number. When I visited your old house they said you moved. What was I suppose to do? What about you? You didn’t even bother to call or text me after we separated. Every time I sang more than this and everything about you, I always thought of you.” She covered her eyes with her hands. “I tried calling you and texting you every day, but you never replied. I still remember your number. You know, I haven’t changed my number since you left. I waited for you to call me. I was afraid that if I changed my number I would miss your call. But what was the point? You didn’t even bother to call. Believe or not I went old fashioned way and wrote you letters instead. I gave them to Maura. Obviously you haven’t read them. I bet you they’re still somewhere in your mum’s house.” She paused for a second and then continued talking. “In fact I moved because of you. People at school kept calling me names. They called me a slut, bitch, cunt, whore and so many other things. They spread rumors that weren’t even true. Everyone in school knew me. I was the center of attention. I wanted to commit suicide. My mom pitied me. She didn’t want me to cry myself to sleep anymore. She was willing to give up her job and home and move here.” I was confused for a moment. Then I thought of the little fellow who opened the door earlier. He had my middle name. He had sky blue eyes just like mine and darkish brown hair. My mouth dropped. “No…It can’t be?” She stared at me with her puffy red eyes and nodded. I made another attempt to hug her. This time she actually let me. I grabbed her tightly, wanting to never let her go. It must have been difficult being a single pregnant teen. I could feel her tears soak up in my shoulder. “I’m sorry” I whispered. Before I could say anything else, James opened the door. “Ma, Daddy’s awake.” I released her. Suddenly her mood changed. “You need to go. Now! Don’t you dare show your face again” she ordered. She quickly wiped away the tears from her face. I stood there bewildered. “Daddy?” I questioned. Suddenly I noticed the ring she had in her hand. She went back into the house and slammed the door shut. She’s married?
I got back in the car with Louis. I began punching the seats. “Whoa what happened? What you found out she’s not as hot as you thought?” Louis joked. “No, she’s married and she’s raising my son.” I mumbled. Louis mouth dropped to the o shape. I told him not to talk about it with anyone. The whole car trip back was silent.
After we went back to the boys I told them we had to go to Ireland quickly. It was tough begging management to agree but they let us since it was our day off. We hopped into a plane and went to my hometown. During the entire plane ride I replayed the incident in my head over and over. Her words echoed in my head. I had no clue she was married. Harry, Liam, and Zayn were all confused. They all wondered what happened with (Y/N) and I. Louis told them not to ask why and they kept silent.
As soon as we landed, I immediately went into my mum’s house. My mum gave me warm welcoming. “Hey did (Y/N) give you any letters while I was gone?” I inquired. She looked at me for a moment. “I think so. I put them where I kept all your letters.” She pointed to the gigantic sack in the corner of the kitchen. I took the sack and went into my bedroom. Everything was as I left it. I saw the picture of (Y/N) and I in my dresser. We were so young and happy. I emptied the bag of letters on my bed. It was a huge pile. One by one I scanned each envelope, searching for (Y/N)’s name. Most of the letters were just fan mail. I can’t believe I never checked this. After completely sorting out I finally found all the letters (Y/N)’s wrote. There were about forty-five or more letters from her. I opened and read each one. They brought tears to my eyes. There was only one letter left to read. The envelope was fancier than the others. This was last letter she has sent me. I opened it slowly. I skimmed through it. It was her wedding invitation. I tightly closed my fists. I was supposed to marry her first! She promised she would wait. There was a note at the back.
Sorry. I know I was supposed to wait. I still haven’t forgotten my promise. I’m not waiting another fucking year for you. I don’t even know if you’re even going to read this or read the others I sent. You clearly don’t care about me or you’ve forgotten me. Anyways, I don’t care if you go to the wedding or not. I’m seriously fed up with you.
I felt guilty. I regret dumping her, leaving her to face her problems alone. I shuffled all the envelopes and threw the mattress of the bed. I released my wrath. I’ve never felt this angry before.
25 Years Later
I stared into Niall’s crystal blue eyes. His perfectly styles brownish blonde hair. He looked stunning in the black tux. He smiled as I walked carefully down the aisle. I was now standing right next to him. I can’t believe this was actually happening. The past years were crazy. As the priest began talking I was thinking about everything that happened. My husband died a few years ago. I was so devastated. James had already known that Niall was his father. He discovered I still had feelings for Niall and reunited us. Luckily Niall was still single and we fell into each other’s arms. I finally apologized and forgave him after all these years.
It was finally our turn to say our vows. This was it. I could hear Niall breathing heavily. He was probably a bit nervous. Suddenly he clutched his heart and collapsed on the floor. I kneeled down beside him. “SOMEONE CALL THE AMBULANCE PLEASE!” I anxiously shouted. Niall was gasping for air. He was having a heart attack. Everyone took out their phones. Tears strolled down my face. It was only a matter of time before he stopped breathing. It was hard for him to speak. “I love you!” I exclaimed. He mouthed the words Love you too. His eyes froze, and his arms relaxed. I screeched, I placed my head against his chest listening for a heartbeat. Liam held my shoulder. “He’s gone….” James was beside me. “No, Dad can’t be gone!” Ever since Niall and I were back together again he’d been hanging out with him. They had a close relationship ever since. I didn’t want to let go of Niall. He was just too precious to lose. The ambulance came, but it was already too late.
That night, everyone went back home. I stayed in James apartment. Liam, Zayn, Louis and Harry came with us too. I didn’t want to be alone. I was still overwhelmed. “You need to get some rest mum” He guided me to a bed and tucked me in. He was handling the situation more calmly and maturely then I did. He was the best son ever. He closed the door. I struggled to fall asleep. I tried blocking out everything on my head but I couldn’t. I’ve lost two important men in my life. All I could think about was Niall. He was my only best friend and lover. I thought of the time we first met, in year two,. I was the new student and he approached me first. He still had brown hair then. He always made me laugh. If only there was a way to rewind time.
I got up, my head was lightheaded. I went to the toilet. I searched James’s medicine cabinet. I found sleeping pills. It was exactly what I needed. I carried it back to the bed. I swallowed one and tried to go back to sleep. Half an hour passed and I tossed and turned. It was a restless night. I took another pill, I still couldn’t sleep. I took two more. I was sweaty and tired; my world was spinning into a big blur. Finally I fell asleep, but I never woke up. Niall and I were finally together at last.
Blir bilder idag

Skinny Love
I told my love to wreck it all. I told him to let me go, that I would be fine without him and waiting for his return. Love does not change with hours or weeks as Love is not at the mercy of time - Oh how I was wrong. I told him to chase his dreams and not let me be an obstacle in his way. But now knowing he is on the other side of the world having the time of his life, has ruined me.
Every night for the first month he would call me, I would tell him to be patient and that soon we would be back together. He would laugh, and I knew he was smiling whilst telling me he loves me and how much he wishes I was there. For that first month I really believed he did. I told him to be fine just like I was, and that there was nothing to worry about. Every night I would say those words, “I’m. Fine.” and every time would be a lie. At the end of each call I told him to be balanced and kind, and without those things, his dream would slip away. We would say our I love yous and miss yous and that would be it.
Each morning was a struggle. I would always try as hard as I could not to wake up in the morning. Against my will, my eyes would always open and my feet would always shuffle me out of bed. I miss rolling over and seeing him there so quiet and peaceful. The sunlight flickering off his blonde, spiky hair, and the way his lips would always stick outwards just waiting for you to kiss and wake him. But all of that is gone now and all that’s left is a clean tucked in sheet. Sometimes I turn out the corner and go to sleep imagining he is going to come in one night and wrap his arms around me.
The last time he called or even texted me was 4 months ago. I remember it so clearly ‘Hi jst landed in LA wntd to let u know we landed well.’ The text was emotionless. Not even a bit of warmth to it. It made me feel hollow, like our love was never even there. Come on skinny love what happened here? Love is not love which alters when alteration finds it! But bears out even to the edge of doom. How am I meant to say we are in love when you don’t even speak. Perhaps I have been proved wrong about these thoughts of love. Perhaps our love was never even there. And now all your love is wasted. And who the hell was I? I’m breaking at the bridges, and at the end of all your lines. Were we always so doomed for failure?
Breathe me
“Babe, I’m about to go!” I felt the tears well up in my eyes as I opened the kitchen door, seeing him in his jacket and all his bags packed. His face fell.
“Please don’t cry.” He whispered taking me into his arms. I breathed in and out, running my fingers through his hair.
“I’m going to miss you so much.” I cried, shaking against him. His breath was uneven.
“I’ll miss you too. I’ll be back in only a week.” He lifted my chin, smiling. His eyes shined and his lip trembled as he kissed me, bringing me close again. There was a knock at the door and I knew it was Harry to drive Lou to the airport. I opened the door, giving Harry a quick hug and a peck on the cheek.
“Ready Lou?” He grabbed one of the suitcases.
“I love you so much.” He choked, lifting me up. I wrapped my legs around his waist, my face in his neck.
“I love you more.” I whispered, kissing him hard. He put me down, putting his hand on my cheek.
“I’ll see you soon. I promise.” I blew him a kiss and went back to the kitchen before I broke down. Louis’ voice became low and I pressed my ear against the door.
“Harry. I’m serious. If something happens to me- You need to stay with her. You need to protect her-”
“Lou, you tell me this everytime you fly out, I know-” Harry protested.
“It’s because I’m serious. Promise me?” Louis’ voice broke.
“Yes. I promise Louis.”
“Let’s go then.” I heard the door close. My mouth was open. All the times Lou had gone away- he made Harry promise to take care of me. He would be back though. Just like always. I tried to cheer up.
A few hours later, Harry came by. I opened the door, surprised.
“Hey Harry… are you okay?” I smiled, letting him in.
“Yeah, of course. Just thought we could relax. I know how hard it is for you when he leaves. I didn’t want you to be lonely.” He blushed, staring at his feet.
“Thank you. I’d love that actually.” We sat on the sofa, turning on the telly. Halfway through the movie my cell phone vibrated on the table next to me. It was Lou.
“Lou? I thought you would be landing for another hour.” I said, waiting to hear his voice. Instead I heard screams and loud noises.
“Listen to me. Something has gone wrong with the plane-”
“Louis, please don’t fool around like that-”
“Babe you need to listen to me. I- ahhhh!” I heard him shout and heard a loud thud. I didn’t understand what was happening. Harry stood up, looking in my eyes.
“Louis! Stop this isn’t funny!” I felt the tears pool in my eyes and flow.
“Tell the boys I love them. Tell mum. I love you. I love you so much.” His voice was weak and hoarse. He began to cough. I could hear a child crying and people shouting.
“Louis, you’ll be okay, please don’t talk like that-” People began to shriek.
“Baby listen. I’m falling- the plane is falling. I love you more than anything do you hear me? Harry will stay with you. Harry will protect you. I love you-” An enormous explosion cut him off. Then silence.
“Lou? Louis?” I whispered, everything in slow motion. Harry had tears in his eyes.
“What happened?” He asked, shaking my arms. I dropped the phone.
I blinked, realizing what happened. I let out a whimper that changed into a high pitched scream. Harry jumped, catching me as I collapsed. I screamed into Harry’s chest, my throat going raw.
“He’s gone Harry! Louis’ dead! He’s dead!” I pounded my fists against his chest, sobbing. Harry shook his head, his eyes fogging over. He let me hit him until my vision blurred and I fell against his chest. He took me in his strong arms. I begged him to let me go find him. Let me go find Louis. He choked on his own sobs, pressing me against him.
“You can’t! He’s gone!” He shouted, the tears falling from his big green eyes. I lost consciousness.
One Year Later
“Louis! Louis!” I shrieked, constricted in the sheets of the bed. Harry woke up, taking me in his arms. I kicked and punched, trying to get out of his grip.
“He’s still gone.” Harry whispered, holding me down. I sobbed against him, crying out Louis’ name until I fell asleep again.
Me and Lou
y/n = your name tagen ifrån: http://1dsexuallfrustrations.tumblr.com/
Me and Lou had been best friends since we were little. We were always with each other. He was my best friend, hell, my only friend! I remember the day he went to the X-factor like it was yesterday. The night before the audition he came over and we watched movies in my room,took silly pictures on his phone and talked about his audition. I remember how nervous he was. He would keep fixing him hair and biting his nails. I looked over at him.
“Louis William Tomlinson. You are amazing and always will be. You are going to do amazing at the auditions tommarow, okay?”
He looked up from from his shaking hands and looked into my eyes. “You know (y/n), your amazing.” i smiled and hugged him. “i know.” i said in a cute tone. We watched some movies. Eventually we fell asleep. I woke up, and i was lying on Lou’s chest and his arms were around me. I looked at the clock and it was about 11 at night. I woke up Lou and he looked up at the clock. “Oh shit, bye love. i have to go. i will call you after my audition.”
“Bye Lou. good luck” i said in a sleepy tone.
The door closed and i walked up the stairs to my room. I snuggled up into my bed and went to sleep.
3 years have gone by from that night. Lou got sent through to the auditions to boot camp. He didn’t make it through to the live shows, but then they called him and four other guys back to be put in a group. The made it to the finals. They didn’t win, but still got signed by Sony Music Company. They are now adored by millions of fans. The last time i talked to Lou was after he called me right before the audition. There isnt a day that goes by that i don’t miss him. I see him everywhere. Magazines, TV, Tumblr, Twitter, Facebook, name it and “One Direction” is on it. After months of feeling sorry for myself i just forgot about him. He forgot about me, right? I should do the same thing. I deleted all the silly photo booth pictures, his striped shirts he gave me for my birthday, etc. I figured my life was better off without him. He was famous now anyway, he didn’t want to see me anyway.
I was having a sleepover with my best friend Lily. I had never told her or anyone about me and Lous friendship. She ran up to me and started giggling like a idiot.
“y/n…” she said
“WHAT” i said as we jumped up and down
“WAIT FOR IT, WAIT FOR IT..I GOT ONE DIRECTION TICKETS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!”
My heart stopped. “w-w w what?? exuse me?” i stammered out
“I said, i got one direction tickets for you and me! The shows tommarow night! arent you exited?” she asked as she playfully shook me.
“Um..yeah. sure, its gonna be fun.” i faked a smile and ran up to my room, i was about to close the door when, “Oh! By the way y/n, the tickets are VIP so we get to meet them after the show!”
“cool lily. night!” i said as i closed the door. i sank into my bed and lost it. i just cried myself to sleep. how was i going to do this? Louis probably forgot about me by now. Hes too famous. And if he did remember me then i really don’t know what would happen. What would i say? What would he say? I drifted off to sleep and the next morning was woken up by WMYB being cranked on the stereo and Lily singing terribly to it. I loved her to death, but her singing was terrible. I looked at the clock- 3 in the afternoon?? How long had i slept? Whatever i really didnt care. I just wanted to get this night over with. Lily came up to me, ” So i layed out a really cute dress for you on the couch. go check it out.” i walked over and saw a mid thigh dark green tight dress. You smiled and looked up at your beautiful best friend. “Thank you Lily. i love you.” you hugged her. “I love you too, now go get dressed so we can go!” she said
We were ready to go. We got to the concert. The concert was amazing. I had seen pictures of Lou on tumblr and stuff, but he had gotten so tall! and quite attractive. After all the songs ended i started walking towards the door when Lily grabbed my hand and led me backstage. We had to get through about 10 massive security gaurds, that was fun. We finally got back to there dressing room. Lily opened the door and ran to hug Zayn. she LOVED Zayn. “Hey babe!” zayn said to her. Niall came up and hugged me, then Liam then Harry. Lou was standing there just kindof staring at me.
“Hi Louis.”
He didnt reply, he just kept staring.
“You..You..look so much like my best friend (Y/N). Well she was my bestfriend. I havent really seen her for a long time.”
Niall chimed in, “is that the one you always talk about?”
“shutup Niall! leave this lovely lady alone.”
“Oh no, its fine im not being bothered.” i said nervously.
Lou walked up to me and pulled out his phone. I could see him going to his pictures and scrolling through all the silly pictures we took on the audition night.
“The pictures!” i said
“no, shush for one sec.” he said his eyes still on his phone. He opened up a picture he took of me from that night and held it up next to my face. He looked at it for a while. turning his head back and forth to determine whether it was me. He grabbed my hand and spun me around. He took a few steps back. “Yeah, its you.” and kissed me. I was so shocked. It felt like my entire world was silent. It was only me and Lou. That all ended when I heard Nialls signature laugh. He was taking pictures. I looked over at Niall as he said “Smile for twittah!” Lou kissed me cheek and i made a kissey face. Lou hugged me and i nuzzled my face into his chest. Everyone else walked out of the room, including Lily. Lou looked at me and just started crying. “Lou dont cry, your gonna make me cry!” i said with tears forming in my eyes. He looked at me and gave me the biggest hug ever. “I missed you so fucking much (y/n). you dont even know. i wanted to go back home so much i just never found time. i love you so much. i actually love you. your so beautiful, just please tell me you love me back. please” i looked at him in astonishment. “I love you too BooBear.” He smiled,took my hand in his and walked out of the room. At that moment i realized that i wanted to spend the rest of my life with him. I really did love him. A lot.
When we walked out of the room we saw Lily and Zayn making out in the hall. We walked past them as Lily pushed me with her hand , ” y/n you have alot of stuff to tell me when we get home” then she went back to Zayn. I leaned my head into Lous biceps. “i know lily.”
“Hey boobear?” i asked as we were walking down the stage doors. “Yeah babe?”..i looked up at him and kissed him. “I love you Lou.”
“I love you too y/n. always have, and always will. dont you ever forget that.”
i smiled and walked away hand in hand with the love of my life.
I need to be perfection
Listen and Read:
I remember her brown curls and the way they twisted down her back complementingher figure. I remember her bright blue eyes and the way they outshined the night sky. I remember the way she held me and the way she kept me sane in a world of insanity. I remember everything, the good, and the bad.
I remember making dinner that one night; it was a huge meal for all of the boys and their company they brought along. Fried chicken, mashed potatoes, countless dishes of pasta, pretty much everything. I watched her from across the table, slowly poking at the little portions on her plate. She took a few bites and then quickly excused herself from the table. I couldn’t help myself, something wasn’t right.
I remember not hesitating. I remember swinging the bathroom door open to an utter mess. There she laid her hands clasping the toilet bowl, forcing herself. Slow tear drops rolled off her cheek bones and on to her lips. “Why….?” I had to ask. Her answer killed me, “I’m not good enough Liam. I need to be skinnier. I need to beprettier to be with you. I need to be perfection.” I sat down next to her pulled her into my arms and I held her there, slowly rocking her back and forth. She looked at me puzzled and asked, “Why are you still here, aren’t you disgusted with me?” I really couldn’t hold back my tears now. I tucked her bangs behind her ears and said, “Leave you?, the most beautiful girl I’ve ever seen? I’m sorry but letting something this good go would just about wreck me for life. You need to know that you are the best thing that I’ve ever had. You are beautiful, in every way. Just because you aren’t like those girls on the cover of vogue doesn’t mean you aren’t prettier. I would pick you, every time. You are beautiful. We’re going to get through this, day by day, I’m going to help you and I’ll be there every step of the way. I will never leave you. I love you.”
That night was the turning point in our relationship. She got help and I was there for her and believe me it was never easy, but it was worth it. I still wonder day to day why God still had to take her from me, I wonder what I did wrong. She didn’t have to be there that night on that street where that man was. Where that gun was. Where Iwasn’t…Why did it have to be her? So many struggles, so many fears, and we overcame them all and one night it’s all gone. Everything you’ve worked for vanished into thin air and all’s you have left are memories.
I figured out something today though maybe God had a bigger plan for me than I had for myself. Like this journey had bigger purpose. Like I was sent to her because she was sick, I had to help her through it. I was her angel.
I do know one thing for sure. She saved my life. She taught me everything. About life, hope and the long journey ahead. I’ll always miss her. But our love is like the wind. I can’t see it, but I can feel it.
http://horanmalikstylespaynetomlinson.tumblr.com skrev det här och ni behöver inte läsa
listen and read:
Liam walked over to the boys and slung his arm around Niall. Niall carefully touched Liam’s hand and smiled at him. Louis and Harry smiled as a man walked over, camera in hand.
The crowd was screaming their names. The rush was crazy and their hearts were beating a hundred miles an hour.
“WE LOVE YOU!” They screamed loudly.
Management pushed the boys roughly into the car and they all laughed as they ended up piled on top of each other.
“Back home?” The driver said, his voice low.
“There’s only One Direction!” The boys yelled, slightly drunk.
The car sped down the freeway and the boys all sat, taking in the night. Liam tapped his legs and thought of Danielle’s face. The way she would smile when he opened the door and he couldn’t wait to take her into his arms again.
He looked over at Louis who was clearly thinking similar to him, about his girlfriend Eleanor.
The car slowly moved through the traffic lights, and as if in slow motion the cars beside it swerved away. Harry’s face turned a ghastly white and his eyes widened. Liam’s head snapped to see another car hurtling towards the side of their car.
Liam dived over Niall, protecting his almost brother. The impact jolted him to the side and made him painfully hit his head against the seat.
The car tipped and Liam yelled as it flipped over, increasingly faster.
When the motion finally halted he sat up, scanning over his four best friends, his four brothers, who lay motionless. Lifeless.
“Niall! Harry? Louis! Zayn! Wake up boys!”
Tears streamed freely down his face.
“Come on boys!” He tugged at Niall and stared at him, increasingly realising that his best friend was in fact gone.
Screams erupted from the distance and Liam’s breathing became rugged and shaky.
Harry moaned quietly from the side of him.
“HARRY!” He cried, grasping his hand. He pushed hard against his chest where a gash poured with gluggy, brown/red liquid.
“Don’t die on me, you can’t do this.” Liam’s voice eventually faded out and became sobs, “Don’t you dare die!”
Harry whispered quietly, rushing his words.
“Tell my family that I love them, give Gemma a kiss for me. Look after mum.”
“Harry!” Liam cried, “Please don’t give up!”
Harry took a deep, hollow breath and his hand slowly let go of Liam’s.
Liam removed his hand from the curly-haired boy’s chest and stared at the blood, his tears now mixing with the wet liquid.
Liam’s nails dug into the grass and stared ahead of him.
“4 boys, 4 brothers ripped away too soon.” He read aloud from the tombstone.
“I miss you boys.” He sobbed, his heart ripping into a million pieces.
“Niall…” He kissed two fingers and rested them against the boy’s name on the cold marble tombstone, “You were my baby brother. You were always there and I can’t believe you are gone.”
He placed Niall’s friendship bracelet in front of the headstone.
“Harry,” He laughed softly, “I miss you.. your smile, your curly hair… your jokes. I just miss you buddy.” He rested down Harry’s bracelet and moved to Louis.
“Louis, my older brother. I love you man. Hope you and the boys are having fun up there.”
He placed the bracelet on the wet grass.
“Zayn, I hope I was the perfect brother for you! I know you’ve always wanted one… I know I had 4 unbelievable ones, I’ll never forget you, Bradford boy.”
He gently stepped back and looked at the 4 bracelets that lay on the ground in front of the four headstones.
“I never thought I’d have to say goodbye. Not to you guys anyway. 5 boys, 1 dream…. One Direction.”
He turned away and walked into the sunset, his face wet with tears, his hands in Danielle’s as 4 boys smiled proudly from behind him. All hand’s resting on each other’s shoulders.
Small Bump
Harry walked up behind me, wrapping his arms around my waist and resting his hands on my stomach. I smiled, folding the tiny pink dress I had in my hands.
“Another pair of shoes?” Harry held up the small pair of boots, grinning. I laughed, kissing him lightly.
“A girl can never have enough shoes. Including her.” I said, pointing to my small, round stomach. Harry laughed, bending down.
“Can you hear me love? If you can, daddy loves you.” Harry kissed my stomach, looking up at me. I giggled, running my hands through his tousled curls. He stood up, taking my hand.
“Where are we going?” I asked, intertwining my fingers with his.
“Let’s go for a walk!” He answered, pulling me down the hall.
I walked out the front door that Harry held open. The cool spring breeze touched my face, the dew on the grass fresh. We walked, watching the small children at the park run and chase eachother screaming and laughing. He slid his arm around my waist, kissing my head.
“That will be us soon.” I said, pointing to a couple pushing a stroller on the opposite side of the street.
“I can’t wait.” Harry grinned, his dimples revealed.
“Are you ready to sleep for an hour a night?” I winked, resting my head on his shoulder.
“More than ready. Just watch.” Harry assured me, smiling. We laughed and talked, returning home later that afternoon.
After dinner I laid down on the couch. Harry sat at the end, putting my feet in his lap. I raised my eyebrows, wiggling my feet towards his chest.
“Another foot massage?” He laughed, rubbing my feet with his large hands.
“Please?” I closed my eyes, relaxing. Harry hummed, massaging every part of my foot, relieving the pain. I eventually fell asleep and Harry carried me to bed.
“I love you.” I whispered, snuggling against his now bare chest.
“I love you more.” He kissed my cheek, falling asleep.
Something is wrong. I woke up, clutching my stomach. I groaned, nudging Harry.
“Babe?” He flicked the light, on rubbing his eyes.
“The baby Harry. Something’s wrong.” I moaned, clenching my teeth. I felt wet.
“What do you mean something’s wrong? Wrong with the baby?” He climbed out of bed quickly, coming to my side.
“L-lift the blanket, the blankets are wet.” I whispered, sweat glistening on my forehead. Harry nervously took the edge of the blanket, peeling it back carefully. His eyes widened, the color draining from his face. I looked down and screamed. Blood. All over the bed.
I clutched Harry’s hand. I moved slightly, my abdomen exploding in pain. Harry shook his head, tears coming to his eyes.
“The baby Harry- I had a-” My lip trembled and I wailed, putting my hand to my stomach.
“Miscarriage.” Harry choked out, falling to his knees. I sobbed, knives stabbing my chest. The colors of the room around me draining.
“Our baby is gone Harry, I can’t feel her anymore, it’s my fault-” I shook, crying against Harry’s chest.
“It’s not your fault.” Harry repeated hoarsely in my ear. I sobbed, leaning against him. Our baby was gone.
Harry carried me to the bathroom, turning on the bath. I didn’t speak as he stripped me of my clothes. He lowered me into the warm water, washing the blood away. I stared at the wall. Tears pooled in Harry’s eyes as he washed my thighs, the bottom of my stomach. He continued to wash my hair, kissing me gently. He lifted me out, wrapping a towel around me. He told me to stay in the bathroom. I didn’t say anything. He shut the bathroom door and I could hear him rustling with the sheets on the bed. He returned after several minutes, picking me up again. He had changed the sheets on the bed. He got me dressed and he brushed my hair. Neither of us spoke. We sat in eachothers arms, watching the pink sun rise from the window.
“It wasn’t your fault.” He whispered painfully, kissing my shoulder.
“Why did she have to go Harry? What have we done?” I broke. I turned into him, laying against his chest. We sobbed together, cradled in eachothers arms.