Chapter 8. explanation part 2.
Louis froze and stared angrily at Fem who sneered back.
- But it's true I always wanted to have you Shaf. Cari is not so "loving" as some here believe, he said arogant and looked down at Louis.
- Please Fem what do you want me, I have not done anything all bullies, I did nothing okay nothing, I cried out.
- You stopped them, Zayn mumbled.
Fem nodded and pulled a knife from the jeans pocket and played with it before he carefully sliced open the palm and stretched out on for Fizzy who greedily licked up the blood.
- I thought you said he was a bird, said Niall.
- Technically, he is one he has wings that you see ... he is a dragon, however.
Fizzy licked around his mouth and wagged his tail like a happy dog before he crouched at the Fems feet and fell asleep. I did not know what I would think of Fem anymore. he had even been so kind and thoughtful certain he had his bad moments but it was for all the bullies. he was a good student, or at least I thought so. His special gift was to make the world different, he uses magic completely wrong but he must be good deep down, the only question is why Cari there were about five other mind readers and if he was looking for her for getting to me then what was so special about me ? was it only because I had a saying in the two largest gangs in schools. that was just ridiculous.
I looked around me to try to figure out a plan to get out of here. night was soon over and Cari began to wake up to. shackles around the guys writs were gone and now they sat in judgment at the big stone like a few question marks. Zayn looked up all the time in the trees and you could hear the birds singing far away. I thought this year would be a good year at school, but I had lost the desire to learn all about magic for the first time in a long time, I just wanted to be normal. normal family, normal girl, normal life, normal everything. it was not really that much to ask, so why could not I have been the neighboring girl who had been born to the average person, or at least the boy across the street who was born into a werewolf. elevation point every full moon. He had told me that it was not so horrible and he had a normal life except every night when it was full moon. He had a job, a family and he was much happier than I am. what did I do? a mother who works to cook on a wonderful magical restaurant, dad is a lawyer and my little sister sits and studying just because she is able to achieve this school. I got tired of the life I'd like to be an ordinary girl. all of a sudden I started to cry without warning. Zayn pulled me into a warm hug and I was really glad that he was my cousin.
- Want to know my secret, Zayn mumbled so no one else heard. I nodded.
- I asked Andy to follow you everywhere and I think Niall sat Sean to do the same. doesn't matter how this ends cause you will have those two, and they promised their lives to get you out of here alive Shaf and I love you, I would not have had a better cousin and you were right about everything. I use my power too much but you know how it is when you are the leader, he laughed and kissed me on the forehead.
- Want to know my secret, I asked and felt he nodded.
- My secret power is light, I have the sense that all the time I just have not wanted to admit it because it's not such a big effort, but when I say duck promise you duck okay Zayn I love you and you are like my brother, I do not want you to get in trouble, I said and hugged him tightly.
Fem tore myself away Zayns grip and I felt the nausea that rose in my throat as he pulled me down on the stone table and kissed me. I heard Harry yell something and then how Cari whimpered beside me. Tehn everything went black.
When I awoke, I was alone. Maybe not completely, but I was not in the glade anymore and there was someone next to me. I looked up and saw Fizzy leaning over me with his tongue out of the mouth and the smile that looked pretty vicious. I sat up with an my whole body ached. I looked around me and besides Fizzy it was just me and a trail of blood. I did not know if it was mine or someone else's. I sat up and was pushing away from Fizzy my lap.
- Fizzy, you take me back?, I asked, rubbing my right temple
He nodded his head and raised a little off the ground with its large wings. I followed as he flew away. it was still safe in any way how Fizzy flew over me, how Andy and Sean was somewhere next to me in the treetops. Fizzy flew quite slowly and roared on and off and did something which I believe was to laugh.
- You Fizzy you are pretty good right?, I asked when he landed with a thud on the ground beside me.
He shook his head and barked.
I was back in the glade where Fem sat on the stone and laughed. Louis sat by Cari and hugged her. She was shaking and I was so happy that she was sitting up and had opened her eyes. Zayn sat with Harry and Liam and it looked like they eased each other's injuries. Niall sat alone on the edge on the other side, and none of them had seen me yet. I saw a movement in the tree crown and Andy looked up with a smile. I pointed at Fem and he nodded silently. I did not even know what I meant by that, but Andy had something planned.
- Fem! this is between you and me, let the others go!, I said loudly and walked straight towards him.
- As you wish, he waved off the other with his hand and I saw Sean jump down and take them away.
- Fem did you have to see a thing, I said and waved him closer to me.
I tied the hand and held it against him. He looked at me like I was an idiot before he gently opened my hand. the light that came was dazzling and a smile came to my lips. The more he opened his hand, the stronger was the light.
a scream echoed through the glade and Fizzys scream tuned into. it hurt that Fizzy died but I could not take my eyes away from its master. Andy had jumped down from the tree with a knife in his hand. the knife had gone through his back and through so you could see the tip just where the heart babies sit. Fem coughed up blood for real this time and looked down at the knife. Andy pulled it out and Fem fell down to the ground so that the leaves flew up. I felt the tears while I turned to Fizzy as lifeless lay a few feet away. His large head glistened when the sun's first rays came through the trees.
Five years later
- You know, Harry, I've always loved to watch the sunrise, I mumbled.
Fizzy lay at our feet. Niall had resuscitated him. I spun on the engagement ring and smiled at Harry.
- You know that Zayn and the others will come up here anytime?
- I know it and then we will tell them, I smiled.
we had just got engaged us. I loved Harry a lot, and his power did not work even look at me anymore. several said it because it was because we loved each other, but I say it's because he can control it. which he can, he has been much better than Liam. That was when we saw them. Niall and Liam came up first. Andy followed, talked about the different magic tricks. I had stopped doing magic just as I had imagined five years ago. I owned a café and Harry was working with young children. Harry, however, had not stopped doing magic but it did not do anything as long as he is not forcing me to use it. Louis and Cari came after hand in hand. her stomach had grown larger and it was so great that the two would start a family.
- So tell me the great news!, Cari shouted happily.
- Harry and I got engaged, I said and smiled.
- You know that if you break her heart, I can cast a spell and I am not afraid to use it, Zayn joked.
Fizzy beat happily tail in the ground and I scratched him behind the ear. Andy sat down and pulled Niall in his lap. Liam sat down next to them and smiled at me. We were all a family after Fem died. somehow, we all agreed again and gangs were closed down. School closed again after they found Fem. But we were all a little happier, had a little happier success and a much happier realtion to each other. All in all, we loved each other. It did not matter what we had gone through what mattered was that we were not afraid anymore and we could finally be ourselves. no rules, no gangs, just us.