Chapter 4. what is actually happening?

the room was shaking under my feet when I angrily walked up and down on the stone floor. Cari sat up on my bed and looked sad.
- Shaf stop worry I'm sure that Harry heard what Liam said, I mean he screamed of course, said Cari after a few minutes.
- No, he would not otherwise he looked at me like that!, I said desperately, feeling the tears being forced up.
what was it with me I would not cry over things like this. what had happened really. Harry meant a lot to me again and now the gangs destroy it again? could they stop interfering in what the other guys did. I could not stand their nagging, fighting and war between each other. Cari came over and hugged me. I felt her consciousness slowly stroking against my own and I could not help smiling. I hugged her back.
- I was going to meet Louis in five minutes do you want to come with us? She asked.
- No Thanks Cari, but I'll stay here and think of a way to make friends with Harry again, I smiled and hugged her again.
there was a knock on the window. the clock was one in the morning but I was wide awake, thinking of Cari, Harry and myself. it knocked again, and I forced myself to get up. I opened the window and in with the cold air came Niall. He smiled big and hugged me so that even the cold embraced me. Niall gently took my hand and we went out the window. We snuck down the ladder and when I landed on the wet grass I laughed quietly. Niall took my hand again and pulled me to the woods behind the school. when we had come in a bit and the school could not be seen more as he released my hand. the ground was dry so I sat down on the nearest rock, and got my breath.
- I'm sorry about that with Liam, Niall said at last.
- It's all right, power has only risen upon his head, It happens if we use our power to much, I smiled.
- Have you found your yet?, He asked, touching the tree trunk that was on the tree in front of me.
I simply shook my head sure some things have happened when I got angry like the room shook or that there were cracks in the ground if I walked away from someone. but there was no special power or was it?
- You then have you noticed anything?, I asked, smiling at him as he sat next to me.
- Strangely enough, do not laugh now, but I can talk to animals and plants, he said guiltily and looked at the ground.
- Plants? I said, questioningly.
He walked up tilll tree again and whispered something, and soon it was as if the tree shook itself and leaves fell to the ground. it was so beautiful to see the different colors of the leaves, mix with each other before they fell to the ground and lay around Nialls feet.
- That was unbelievable how long have you been able to do that?, I laughed and walked toward him.
- A week, he said and shrugged. But that's not why I took you out here. I dare not say it straight out but I think this can help me.
He took out a guitar behind one out of the trees behind me and slowly began to play.

I smiled childishly large.
- Shaf truth is that I trust you a lot and I want to be more than friends with you. I might have been a little of a jerk to you before but I like you so much.
- Niall, I ...
His lips pressed against mine, his hands went down my back and my hands went through his hair.
As I stepped in with Niall behind me the clock was five. Louis and Zayn ran together against us. it was the first time in years I have seen the two of them together. shortly after came Liam, Harry and Andy.
- Where is the fire?, Laughed Niall.
- Cari is gone, 'said Louis breathless.
- What do you mean, I asked, surprised.
- She's gone like not longe rin the school. Look, said Zayn and showed a note to us.
I'm sorry Shaf but I can not stay I've given myself in but ...
it looked as if someone had snatched her away from the paper. I felt the tears come. First Harry, now I've messed up with Niall and now Cari gone what's going on really?!
omg va coolt! :D