Morning, Princess
Förlåt förlåt men jag hinner inte skriva kapitel 31 idag. min kompis ska komma och sova över så jag har inte tid men det kan hända att det blir något litet kaitel i kväll när vi ser på film. men jag vet inte så har inte för höga förhoppningar men annars kommer kapitel 31 ut i morgon kommentera gärna vad ni tycker! :)
okej men lite läsning ska ni få så här kommer en one shot av min bästa vän Shaf:
You were sleeping on your bed in the morning. Niall sits by the bed and looks at how gorgeous you look when you sleep. He then strokes your face and smiles at the way you wrinkle your face at his touch. He stroke your face again and you slowly move your head to face him. Niall move closer to your face and whispers, “Good morning beautiful. Had a good sleep?” As you slowly open your eyes, you reply him with a smile. As he sees your beautiful smile, Niall’s heart skips a bit and he leans forward to kiss you on the forehead. Chills run through your spine making you wide awake. With a whisper you reply him, “Hey handsome. I’ve had a good sleep. What do you want for your breakfast?” As the ends of his mouth lengthens, he whispers into your ears, “You.” He then place his tender lips on yours and kissed you gently. Breaking away from the kiss, you slowly hide your face in his chest and he hugs you tightly, afraid to leave you. You could feel his heart beat getting harder and you kiss his chest in a belief it would slow down. His fingers slowly run through your hair and tugs a strand behind your ears. You could feel his hot breath on your shoulders. Slowly he hides his face onto your neck and says, “You’re the best thing I’ve ever got. I wish the time froze and we could lie in each others arms all day. My gorgeous princess, I love you and I’m the most luckiest man in the world.”